Gas Dynamics and Compression Simulation Systems - Dynamic simulation of gas dynamics and simulation systems - Third-Party Products & Services - MATLAB & Simulink

Gas Dynamics and Compression Simulation Systems

Dynamic simulation of gas dynamics and simulation systems


  • Analyzes the dynamic response of the gas medium in a plant
  • Compression plant analysis according to API 618 and API 674 rules
  • Reciprocating compressors and non-linear flow transients in piping and
  • Pneumatic systems for designing and optimizing actuators and valves
  • Plot or print results, including overlapping to experimental data, export results for post-process


ACUSYS simulates the stationary and transient response of the fluid medium and forces generated inside a piping network, induced by pressure or flow pulsations applied to discrete points. ACUSYS simulates the fluid medium as a monodimensional linear wave field (electro-acoustic analogy), optionally with constant or variable sound speed, bounded in pipes, vessels, and piping accessories. It includes a library of configurations that users can expand, enabling you to do parametric analysis for a broad set of plants. Users can perform the analysis on transfer functions and on response to simple and complex input signals, defined in frequency or time domain. In combination with ACUSCOMP the program lets you analyze piping following approaches 2 and 3 as per API 618 and API 674.

ACUSCOMP simulates pressure pulsations and transients in pipes and gas compression plants, as well as thermodynamic cycles of multicylinder reciprocating compressors. In the time domain, it simulates the non-linear response of a compressor interacting with linear dynamic response of the gas medium in a plant. The system takes into account piping, single- or double-effect cylinders, plena, valves and restrictions. In combination with ACUSYS the program lets you analyze piping following approaches 2 and 3 as per API 618 and API 674.

PNEUMA simulates high compressibility gas flow inside a piping network with valves, accumulators, and variable-volume elements. PNEUMA simulates the system by quasi-steady elements interconnected in series and/or in parallel. Lumped volumes account for a pipe's capacity bounded in structurally rigid or variable volume enclosures, such as pipes, pressure vessels, and accumulators. The program solves a set of differential equations in the time domain by describing the mass and energy balance of any enthalpy accumulator of the system. It also identifies possible choked-flow sections as a function of the pressures assigned at the boundaries of the system and of the valve opening setting sequences.

These products were developed using the GUIDE tool in MATLAB ®.They provide user-friendly interfaces which do not require users to know MATLAB and Simulink in detail.


Santa Croce 664/a
Venice, 30135
Tel: +39 (0)41-2757634
Fax: +39 (0)41-2757633

Required Products


  • Macintosh
  • Windows


  • Consulting
  • E-mail
  • Fax
  • On-site assistance
  • Telephone
  • Training

Product Type

  • Modeling and Simulation Tools


  • Acoustics
  • Hydraulics and Pneumatics
  • Process Control and Monitoring
  • System Modeling and Simulation
  • Vibration Analysis and Control
  • Piping Systems


  • Chemical and Petroleum
  • Instrumentation and Test
  • Utilities and Energy