Data Access with MATLAB Online - MATLAB & Simulink


Data Access with MATLAB Online

Access your data from desktops, cloud services, and hardware

MATLAB Online is available with select licenses. Check your eligibility

MATLAB Online™ enables you to access your files from a variety of locations. You can load data into MATLAB Online to run code and applications through your desktop, MATLAB Drive™, and third-party cloud computing services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS®) and Microsoft Azure®. MATLAB Online can also connect with your physical sensors and devices with MATLAB Mobile™, ThingSpeak™, and Raspberry Pi™.


MATLAB Drive is a cloud storage platform maintained by MathWorks® that enables you to store, manage, and access files. It is the default storage location for MATLAB Online and MATLAB Mobile.

You can access MATLAB Drive directly through MATLAB Online, MATLAB Mobile, or MATLAB Drive Online, which is the web interface for managing your MATLAB Drive content. You can also synchronize MATLAB Drive with your local desktop using MATLAB Drive Connector.

You can upload your local files to MATLAB Drive directly from your desktop. Once your files are in MATLAB Drive, you can easily access your data directly from MATLAB Online or MATLAB Mobile. Learn more about importing your local files to MATLAB Drive.

Up to 20 GB of file storage is available with your current MATLAB license and Software Maintenance Service.

MATLAB Drive Online

MATLAB Drive Online provides a visual interface for you to import, export, and view your files that are stored in MATLAB Drive. Learn how to upload files to MATLAB Drive Online.


You can also use MATLAB Drive Online to collaborate with others by sharing folders, files, and data through shared folders or links. Learn more about sharing files using MATLAB Drive Online.

MATLAB Drive Connector

You can manage your MATLAB Drive files from your local computer through the MATLAB Drive Connector, which automatically synchronizes files between your online MATLAB Drive and MATLAB on your local desktop and provides simple access to your files through the MATLAB Drive folder.

Learn how to install and set up MATLAB Drive Connector.



You can import sensor data collected from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device into MATLAB Online through MATLAB Drive. Explore this example to stream sensor data directly from your mobile device to MATLAB Online.



Requirements: AWS account; S3 bucket with stored data

MATLAB Online provides a direct interface to read and write data from AWS platforms. Explore this example to import your AWS data into MATLAB Online from an S3 bucket.


Requirements: GitHub account

You can import files hosted on GitHub by importing them directly using MATLAB Projects. Learn more about how to clone your GitHub repository to MATLAB Online by exploring this example.


For devices connected to a ThingSpeak channel, you can collect and write data from any channel using the thingSpeakRead and thingSpeakWrite commands. Follow the links below for detailed examples:

  1. Create a new ThingSpeak channel or use the free WeatherStation channel.
  2. Execute MATLAB code from ThingSpeak and analyze data with MATLAB.
  3. Write data to a ThingSpeak channel from MATLAB to execute a REST API.

Raspberry Pi

Requirements: Supported Raspberry Pi operating system and board; connection to the internet

MATLAB Online can connect to your Raspberry Pi for you to program applications and read data. Follow the links below for detailed instructions and examples:

  1. Set up Raspberry Pi.
  2. Connect Raspberry Pi to MATLAB Online.
  3. Deploy functions and read and write data to Raspberry Pi:
    1. Deploy MATLAB functions to Raspberry Pi.
    2. Use the getFile and putFile methods to read and write data between MATLAB Online and Raspberry Pi.