Code Generation
After creating and developing a Simulink® representation of an AUTOSAR software component, generate code for SIL/PIL testing or for integration into the AUTOSAR run-time environment. AUTOSAR code generation requires Simulink Coder™ and Embedded Coder®.
- Generate AUTOSAR C Code and XML Descriptions
Generate AUTOSAR-compliant C code and export AUTOSAR XML (ARXML) descriptions from AUTOSAR component model.
- Configure AUTOSAR Code Generation
Configure code generation for AUTOSAR model.
- Model Configuration Parameters: Code Generation AUTOSAR (Embedded Coder)
Parameters for controlling AUTOSAR code generation.
- Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library
Use AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library to generate C code that more closely aligns with the AUTOSAR standard.
- Automatic AUTOSAR Data Type Generation
Automatically generate AUTOSAR platform data types in AUTOSAR-compliant C code.
- Verify AUTOSAR Code with SIL and PIL
Verify AUTOSAR software component code with software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations.
- Integrate Generated Code for Multi-Instance Software Components
Configure RTE header files for multi-instance component internal data.
- Import and Simulate AUTOSAR Code from Previous Releases
Use cross-release workflow to import AUTOSAR code from previous releases.
- Limitations and Tips
Limitations that apply to AUTOSAR code generation.