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Design multistage bandlimited sample rate converter System object

Since R2024b


    filtObj = designRateConverter(Name=Value) designs a multistage bandlimited sample-rate converter using one or more name-value arguments.

    For example, filtObj = designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=36,DecimationFactor=2,MaxStages=3,Bandwidth=1/72) designs a 36:2 or 18:1 rate converter with a maximum of three stages, and an input bandwidth of 1/72 in normalized frequency units. In normalized units, the input Nyquist frequency is set to 1 and bandwidth in this case is 1/72 of that Nyquist frequency. The function returns a three-stage cascade of dsp.FIRInterpolator objects each with an interpolation factor of 3, 2, and 3, respectively.

    The designRateConverter function outputs the design configuration (number of stages and specifications of each stage) that has the least computational cost (number of multiplications per input sample). By default, the function estimates this cost and designs the default configuration based on this value.

    When you specify only a partial list of filter parameters, the function designs the filter by setting the other design parameters to their default values. When you set Verbose = true, the function returns the values of all the design parameters and the effective conversion ratio.



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    Design a multistage decimator with these specifications using the designRateConverter function:

    • Decimation factor of 36

    • Input bandwidth of interest set to 0.01 in normalized frequency units

    Design the filter with MaxStages set to 2 and Inf. Setting MaxStages to 2 imposes the design to have a maximum of two stages. Setting MaxStages to Inf allows as many stages as needed to obtain an optimal design. Compare the cost of implementing the two filters.

    Use the designRateConverter to design the multistage decimator. Set DecimationFactor to 36, Bandwidth to 0.01, and MaxStages to 2. Setting Verbose to true displays the default values of the other arguments the function uses.

    decimTwoStages = designRateConverter(DecimationFactor=36,...
    designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=1, DecimationFactor=36, Bandwidth=0.01, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=2, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=0, ToleranceUnits="absolute")
    Conversion ratio: 1:36
    decimTwoStages = 
      dsp.FilterCascade with properties:
             Stage1: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator]
             Stage2: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator]
        CloneStages: true

    Design another filter by setting MaxStages to Inf. This setting chooses the optimal number of stages for the filter. The function designs the filter as a decimator cascade of three stages with decimation factors equal to 2, 3, and 3, respectively.

    decimMaxStages = designRateConverter(DecimationFactor=36,MaxStages=Inf,...
    designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=1, DecimationFactor=36, Bandwidth=0.01, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=0, ToleranceUnits="absolute")
    Conversion ratio: 1:36
    decimMaxStages = 
      dsp.FilterCascade with properties:
             Stage1: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator]
             Stage2: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator]
             Stage3: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator]
        CloneStages: true

    View the filter information using the info function.

    ans = 
        'Discrete-Time Filter Cascade
         Number of stages: 3
         Stage cloning: enabled
         Stage1: dsp.FIRDecimator
         Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real)               
         Filter Structure   : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Decimator
         Decimation Factor  : 2                                  
         Polyphase Length   : 4                                  
         Filter Length      : 7                                  
         Stable             : Yes                                
         Linear Phase       : Yes (Type 1)                       
         Arithmetic         : double                             
         Stage2: dsp.FIRDecimator
         Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real)               
         Filter Structure   : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Decimator
         Decimation Factor  : 2                                  
         Polyphase Length   : 6                                  
         Filter Length      : 11                                 
         Stable             : Yes                                
         Linear Phase       : Yes (Type 1)                       
         Arithmetic         : double                             
         Stage3: dsp.FIRDecimator
         Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real)               
         Filter Structure   : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Decimator
         Decimation Factor  : 9                                  
         Polyphase Length   : 8                                  
         Filter Length      : 67                                 
         Stable             : Yes                                
         Linear Phase       : Yes (Type 1)                       
         Arithmetic         : double                             

    Compare the Cost

    Compare the cost of implementing the two filters. Notice that the cost on all metrics reduces when you remove the restriction on the maximum number of stages.

    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 130
                            NumStates: 132
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 5.9722
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 5.4444
    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 73
                            NumStates: 79
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 5.9444
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 5.1667

    Compare the Magnitude Response

    Comparing the magnitude response of the two filters. Both the filters have the same transition-band behavior and follow the design specifications.


    However, to understand where the computational savings are coming from in the three-stage design, look at the magnitude response of the three stages individually.

    stage1 = decimMaxStages.Stage1
    stage1 = 
      dsp.FIRDecimator with properties:
        DecimationFactor: 2
         NumeratorSource: 'Property'
               Numerator: [-0.0317 0 0.2817 0.5000 0.2817 0 -0.0317]
               Structure: 'Direct form'
      Use get to show all properties
    stage2 = decimMaxStages.Stage2
    stage2 = 
      dsp.FIRDecimator with properties:
        DecimationFactor: 2
         NumeratorSource: 'Property'
               Numerator: [0.0065 0 -0.0507 0 0.2942 0.5000 0.2942 0 -0.0507 0 0.0065]
               Structure: 'Direct form'
      Use get to show all properties
    stage3 = decimMaxStages.Stage3
    stage3 = 
      dsp.FIRDecimator with properties:
        DecimationFactor: 9
         NumeratorSource: 'Property'
               Numerator: [-9.6325e-05 -1.5539e-04 -2.4072e-04 -3.0942e-04 -3.2259e-04 -2.3401e-04 0 4.0676e-04 9.8161e-04 0.0017 0.0024 0.0029 0.0032 0.0029 0.0018 0 -0.0026 -0.0058 -0.0092 -0.0123 -0.0145 -0.0149 -0.0129 -0.0081 0 0.0113 ... ] (1x67 double)
               Structure: 'Direct form'
      Use get to show all properties

    The third stage provides the narrow transition width required for the overall design. However, the third stage contains spectral replicas. The first stage removes such replicas. The first and second stages operate at a faster rate but can afford a wider transition width. The result is a decimate-by-2 first stage filter with only 5 nonzero coefficients and decimate-by-2 second stage filter with only 7 nonzero coefficients. The third stage contains 61 nonzero coefficients. Overall, the three-stage design uses 73 nonzero coefficients while the two-stage design uses 130 nonzero coefficients.


    Design a multistage interpolator with these specifications using the designRateConverter function:

    • Interpolation factor of 23

    • Input bandwidth of interest set to 0.1 in normalized frequency units

    Design the filter with CostMethod set to "estimate" and "design". Compare the cost of the two designs.

    Use the designRateConverter to design the multistage interpolator. Set InterpolationFactor to 128 and Bandwidth to 0.1. Setting Verbose to true displays the default values of the other arguments the function uses. Notice that by default the function sets the CostMethod to "estimate". The function determines the design configuration (number of stages and specifications for each stage) based on the estimated cost.

    interpEstimateCost = designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=128,...
    designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=128, DecimationFactor=1, Bandwidth=0.1, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=0, ToleranceUnits="absolute")
    Conversion ratio: 128:1
    interpEstimateCost = 
      dsp.FilterCascade with properties:
             Stage1: [1x1 dsp.FIRInterpolator]
             Stage2: [1x1 dsp.FIRInterpolator]
             Stage3: [1x1 dsp.FIRInterpolator]
        CloneStages: true

    Change CostMethod to "design". The function optimizes the design with respect to the exact cost rather than the estimated cost. Notice that the design now uses four stages.

    interpDesignCost = designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=128,...
    designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=128, DecimationFactor=1, Bandwidth=0.1, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="design", Tolerance=0, ToleranceUnits="absolute")
    Conversion ratio: 128:1
    interpDesignCost = 
      dsp.FilterCascade with properties:
             Stage1: [1x1 dsp.FIRInterpolator]
             Stage2: [1x1 dsp.FIRInterpolator]
             Stage3: [1x1 dsp.FIRInterpolator]
             Stage4: [1x1 dsp.FIRInterpolator]
        CloneStages: true

    Compare the Cost

    Compute the cost of implementing the two filters. When you set CostMethod to "estimate", the function finds a sub-optimal solution. Setting CostMethod to "design" allows the function to obtain an optimal solution, at the expense of the runtime of the design algorithm.

    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 170
                            NumStates: 11
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 546
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 419
    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 92
                            NumStates: 14
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 528
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 401

    Compare the Magnitude Response

    Compare the magnitude response. Both filters have the same transition-band behavior but different stopband behavior.


    Design a multistage sample-rate converter with these specifications using the designRateConverter function:

    • Input sample rate of 48 kHz

    • Output sample rate of 44.1 kHz

    Change the output tolerance of the design from 0 Hz up to 220 Hz. This allows the output sample rate to be different than the specified 44.1 kHz by up to 220 Hz. Compare the cost of implementing the two filters.

    Use the designRateConverter to design the multistage sample-rate converter. Set InputSampleRate to 48 kHz, OutputSampleRate to 44.1 kHz, and Tolerance to 0. Setting Verbose to true displays the default values of the other arguments the function uses.

    The function uses an effective conversion ratio of 147:160, which is high.

    designExactRate = designRateConverter(InputSampleRate=48e3,OutputSampleRate=44.1e3,...
    designRateConverter(InputSampleRate=48000, OutputSampleRate=44100, Bandwidth=17640, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=0, ToleranceUnits="absolute")
    Conversion ratio: 147:160
    Input sample rate: 48000
    Output sample rate: 44100
    designExactRate = 
      dsp.FIRRateConverter with properties:
        InterpolationFactor: 147
           DecimationFactor: 160
            NumeratorSource: 'Property'
                  Numerator: [6.1512e-05 6.2675e-05 6.3826e-05 6.4965e-05 6.6092e-05 6.7203e-05 6.8300e-05 6.9379e-05 7.0441e-05 7.1484e-05 7.2507e-05 7.3508e-05 7.4487e-05 7.5442e-05 7.6372e-05 7.7276e-05 7.8153e-05 7.9001e-05 ... ] (1x4017 double)
      Use get to show all properties

    Allow a tolerance of 220 Hz. The function now uses an effective conversion ratio of 11:12 which has less computational complexity.

    designApproximateRate = designRateConverter(InputSampleRate=48e3,OutputSampleRate=44.1e3,...
    designRateConverter(InputSampleRate=48000, OutputSampleRate=44100, Bandwidth=17600, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=220, ToleranceUnits="absolute")
    Conversion ratio: 11:12
    Input sample rate: 48000
    Output sample rate: 44100 (specified) 44000 (effective)
    designApproximateRate = 
      dsp.FIRRateConverter with properties:
        InterpolationFactor: 11
           DecimationFactor: 12
            NumeratorSource: 'Property'
                  Numerator: [3.8374e-05 5.7656e-05 7.7489e-05 9.5302e-05 1.0809e-04 1.1269e-04 1.0611e-04 8.5908e-05 5.0600e-05 0 -6.4471e-05 -1.3962e-04 -2.2046e-04 -3.0037e-04 -3.7143e-04 -4.2502e-04 -4.5247e-04 -4.4592e-04 -3.9922e-04 ... ] (1x307 double)
      Use get to show all properties

    Compare the Cost

    Compute the cost of implementing the two filters. Allowing some tolerance in the output sample rate reduces the cost of the filter.

    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 3993
                            NumStates: 27
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 24.9563
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 24.0375
    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 283
                            NumStates: 27
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 23.5833
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 22.6667

    Compare the Magnitude Response and Group Delay

    Compare the magnitude response of the two filters. The filter with zero tolerance has a very narrow transition width while allowing some tolerance increases the transition width and the passband width.


    Compare the group delay of the two filters. The filter with zero tolerance has a group delay of 2008 samples while the allowing some tolerance decreases the group delay significantly to 153.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Group Delay, xlabel Normalized Frequency ( times pi blank rad/sample), ylabel Group delay (samples) contains an object of type line.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Group Delay, xlabel Normalized Frequency ( times pi blank rad/sample), ylabel Group delay (samples) contains an object of type line.

    Design a multistage sample-rate converter with these specifications using the designRateConverter function:

    • Interpolation factor of 3756

    • Decimation factor of 6200

    Change the tolerance of the design from 0 to 0.1% to 1%. Compare the cost of implementing these filters.

    Use the designRateConverter to design the multistage sample-rate converter. Set InterpolationFactor to 3756, DecimationFactor to 6200, and ToleranceUnits to "percentage". The default value of Tolerance is 0. Setting Verbose to true displays the default values of the other arguments the function uses.

    The function uses an effective conversion ratio of 939:1550 since it removes the common denominator 4 from the specified conversion ratio 3756:6200.

    designExactRate = designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=3756,...
    designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=3756, DecimationFactor=6200, Bandwidth=0.48464516129032265, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=0, ToleranceUnits="percentage")
    Conversion ratio: 3756:6200 (specified), 939:1550 (effective)
    designExactRate = 
      dsp.FIRRateConverter with properties:
        InterpolationFactor: 939
           DecimationFactor: 1550
            NumeratorSource: 'Property'
                  Numerator: [4.0641e-05 4.0719e-05 4.0798e-05 4.0876e-05 4.0955e-05 4.1033e-05 4.1111e-05 4.1190e-05 4.1268e-05 4.1346e-05 4.1424e-05 4.1502e-05 4.1580e-05 4.1657e-05 4.1735e-05 4.1813e-05 4.1890e-05 4.1967e-05 4.2045e-05 … ] (1×38895 double)
      Show all properties

    Set Tolerance to 0.1%. The effective conversion ratio changes to 20:33, which is very close to the requested ratio 3756/6200. Indeed, 3756/6200-20/33 = 2.5415e-04, which is within the allowed tolerance of 1e-3 (i.e 0.1%).

    designApproxRate = designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=3756,...
    designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=3756, DecimationFactor=6200, Bandwidth=0.48484848484848486, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=0.1, ToleranceUnits="percentage")
    Conversion ratio: 3756:6200 (specified), 20:33 (effective)
    designApproxRate = 
      dsp.FIRRateConverter with properties:
        InterpolationFactor: 20
           DecimationFactor: 33
            NumeratorSource: 'Property'
                  Numerator: [2.7533e-05 3.2037e-05 3.6669e-05 4.1362e-05 4.6039e-05 5.0621e-05 5.5019e-05 5.9141e-05 6.2891e-05 6.6170e-05 6.8878e-05 7.0914e-05 7.2179e-05 7.2576e-05 7.2015e-05 7.0409e-05 6.7680e-05 6.3762e-05 5.8596e-05 … ] (1×841 double)
      Show all properties

    Further increase the tolerance to 1%. The effective conversion ratio further reduces to 3:5. Note that 3756/6200-3/5 = 0.0058 which is within the allowed tolerance of 0.01 (i.e. 1%).

    designApproxRateHigherTol = designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=3756,...
    designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=3756, DecimationFactor=6200, Bandwidth=0.48, StopbandAttenuation=80, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=1, ToleranceUnits="percentage")
    Conversion ratio: 3756:6200 (specified), 3:5 (effective)
    designApproxRateHigherTol = 
      dsp.FIRRateConverter with properties:
        InterpolationFactor: 3
           DecimationFactor: 5
            NumeratorSource: 'Property'
                  Numerator: [2.0191e-05 5.1900e-05 7.6263e-05 6.5863e-05 0 -1.1657e-04 -2.4237e-04 -3.0607e-04 -2.3543e-04 0 3.5191e-04 6.8589e-04 8.1926e-04 6.0023e-04 0 -8.2688e-04 -0.0016 -0.0018 -0.0013 0 0.0017 0.0031 0.0035 0.0024 0 … ] (1×129 double)
      Show all properties

    Compare the Cost

    Compute the cost of implementing these filters. As you increase the tolerance, the computational complexity of the filter reduces.

    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 38871
                            NumStates: 41
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 25.0781
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 24.4723
    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 817
                            NumStates: 42
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 24.7576
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 24.1515
    ans = struct with fields:
                      NumCoefficients: 105
                            NumStates: 42
        MultiplicationsPerInputSample: 21
              AdditionsPerInputSample: 20.4000

    Compare the Magnitude Response and Group Delay

    Compare the magnitude response of the filters. The filter with zero tolerance has the least transition width and the transition width increases as the tolerance increases.


    Comparing the group delay values, you can see that the filter with zero tolerance has a significantly higher group delay of 19447.1 samples. As tolerance increases, the group delay reduces. For a tolerance of 1%, the group delay reduces to 64 samples.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Group Delay, xlabel Normalized Frequency ( times pi blank rad/sample), ylabel Group delay (samples) contains an object of type line.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Group Delay, xlabel Normalized Frequency ( times pi blank rad/sample), ylabel Group delay (samples) contains an object of type line.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Group Delay, xlabel Normalized Frequency ( times pi blank rad/sample), ylabel Group delay (samples) contains an object of type line.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: filtObj = designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=36,DecimationFactor=2,StopbandAttenuation=90,MaxStages=3,Bandwidth=1/72)

    Target interpolation factor L, specified as a positive integer.

    When you specify the interpolation and decimation factors L and M, the function derives the effective conversion ratio from the rational approximation of L/M subject to approximation tolerance Tol. For example, if L/M is 77/2223 = 0.0346, the function approximates this ratio to 1/29 = 0.0345 if you allow a tolerance Tol of 1% from the original ratio.

    Furthermore, the function removes the common denominator between L and M, if any. For example, if L is 24 and M is 9, the effective conversion ratio is 8/3.

    When you specify the input sample rate FsIn, the output sample rate FsOut, or both, the function uses frequency values in Hz. When you specify neither the input sample rate nor the output sample rate, the function uses normalized frequency units.

    Data Types: single | double

    Target decimation factor M, specified as a positive integer.

    When you specify the interpolation and decimation factors L and M, the function derives the effective conversion ratio from the rational approximation of L/M subject to approximation tolerance Tol. For example, if L/M is 77/2223 = 0.0346, the function approximates this ratio to 1/29 = 0.0345 if you allow a tolerance Tol of 1% from the original ratio.

    Furthermore, the function removes the common denominator between L and M, if any. For example, if L is 24 and M is 9, the effective conversion ratio is 8/3.

    When you specify the input sample rate FsIn, the output sample rate FsOut, or both, the function uses frequency values in Hz. When you specify neither the input sample rate nor the output sample rate, the function uses normalized frequency units.

    Data Types: single | double

    Input sample rate FsIn, specified as a positive scalar. When you specify the input and output sample rates, the function derives the conversion ratio from the rational approximation of FsOut/FsIn subject to approximation tolerance Tol.

    When you specify one or both of input sample rate and output sample rate, the function uses frequency values in Hz.

    Data Types: single | double

    Output sample rate FsOut, specified as a positive scalar. When you specify the input and output sample rates, the function derives the conversion ratio from the rational approximation of FsOut/FsIn subject to approximation tolerance Tol.

    When you specify one or both of input sample rate and output sample rate, the function uses frequency values in Hz.

    Data Types: single | double

    Tolerance of conversion ratio or rate approximation, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

    The designRateConverter function can use the exact conversion ratio or an approximation of the conversion ratio which has lower values of interpolation and decimation factors. For example, with a tolerance of 10%, the function approximates the conversion ratio 202:301 as 2:3. The ratio 2:3 is the effective conversion ratio. When you specify the rate conversion factors, L and M, and do not specify the input sample rate FsIn or the output sample rate FsOut, the function performs the approximation directly on the specified conversion ratio L/M. When you specify FsIn or FsOut in addition, the function approximates these parameters instead. For more information, see the following table.

    In each combination of specification parameters, the function adjusts the target parameter while applying the tolerance. The table shows how the function determines the effective conversion ratio and effective sample rate based on the combination of specification parameters. The table also shows the upper bound you can specify on tolerance value based on the specification parameters you choose.

    Specification ParametersTarget Parameter ApproximationTolerance UnitsEffective Conversion Factors Upper Bound On Tolerance
     Target ParameterNominal Value of Target ParameterAdjusted Value of Target Parameter   
    L,ML/M ratio (user-specified)L/MLeff/Meff"absolute"[Leff,Meff] = rat(L/M,Tolerance)L/M
    L,M"percentage"[Leff,Meff] = rat(L/M,((Tolerance/100)*L)/M)100
    L,M,FsInFsOut (derived from L, M, and FsIn)FsIn×L/MFsIn×Leff/Meff"absolute"[Leff,Meff] = rat(L/M,Tolerance/FsIn)FsIn×L/M
    L,M,FsIn"percentage"[Leff,Meff] = rat(L,M,((Tolerance/100)*L)/M)100
    L,M,FsOutFsIn (derived from L, M, and FsOut)FsOut×M/LFsOut×Meff/Leff"absolute"[Leff,Meff] = rat(M/L,Tolerance/FsOut)FsOut×M/L
    L,M,FsOut"percentage"[Leff,Meff] = rat(M/L,((Tolerance/100)*M)/L)100
    FsIn,FsOutFsOut (user-specified)FsOutFsIn×Leff/Meff"absolute"[Leff,Meff] = rat(FsOut/FsIn,(FsOut+Tolerance)/FsIn-delta)FsOut
    FsIn,FsOut"percentage"[Leff,Meff] = rat(FsOut/FsIn,(FsOut+(Tolerance/100)*FsOut)/FsIn-delta)100


    • L is the interpolation factor that you specify in InterpolationFactor.

    • M is the decimation factor that you specify in DecimationFactor.

    • FsIn is the input sample rate that you specify in InputSampleRate.

    • FsOut is the output sample rate that you specify in OutputSampleRate.

    • Leff/Meff is the effective conversion ratio the function uses to design the rate converter.

    • delta is Le/Me, where [Le,Me] = rat(FsOut/FsIn,0).

    Data Types: single | double

    Units of tolerance, specified as one of these options:

    • "absolute" –– Specify tolerance in Hz.

    • "percentage" ––- Specify tolerance as a percentage (%).

    For more information on how the tolerance units affect the effective conversion ratio and the upper bound on tolerance, see the Tolerance argument description.

    Data Types: char | string

    One-sided input bandwidth of interest, specified as a real scalar in Hz or in normalized frequency units.

    When you specify the input sample rate FsIn, the output sample rate FsOut, or both, Bandwidth uses Hz units and the default value is given by 0.8×min(FsIn,FsOut)/2 Hz.

    When you specify neither the input sample rate nor the output sample rate, Bandwidth uses normalized frequency units and the default value is given by 0.8×min(L/M,1).

    Data Types: single | double

    Target stopband attenuation Astop used in each stage, specified as a real positive scalar in dB.

    Data Types: single | double

    Maximum number of design stages, specified as Inf or a positive integer. The actual design can have fewer stages than the value of MaxStages you specify in this argument.

    Data Types: single | double

    Method to determine computational cost, specified as one of these:

    • "estimate" –– The minimization objective uses the estimated cost of the configurations, that is, the sum of estimated cost of all stages instead of the exact cost. This method is faster but can result in a suboptimal configuration.

    • "design" –– The minimization objective uses the true cost of the configurations, that is, the sum of true cost of all stages. This method takes longer time to design the filter but results in an optimal configuration.

    Data Types: char | string

    Option to print the entire function call in MATLAB, specified as one of these:

    • false –– The function does not print the function call.

    • true –– The function prints the entire function call including the default values of the Name=Value arguments that you did not specify when calling the function. The function also returns the effective conversion ratio.

      Use this argument to view all the values used by the function to design the rate converter.

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Sample rate converter object, returned as one of these:


    The function splits the overall interpolation and decimation factors into smaller factors with each factor corresponding to the individual stage. The combined rate conversion factor of all the individual stages must equal the overall rate conversion factor. The combined response must meet or exceed the given design specifications.

    The function determines the number of stages and the sequence of stages based on the overall implementation cost. The function chooses the configuration that has the least implementation cost. Depending on the setting of CostMethod, the function estimates the cost or determines it exactly of a specific design configuration or determines it exactly. The estimation method is faster but can lead to suboptimal designs. The design method takes longer but gives an accurate overall cost of implementation.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b