Configure Loop Unrolling Threshold
The Loop unrolling threshold parameter on the Optimization pane determines when a wide signal or parameter should be
wrapped into a for
loop and when it should be generated
as a separate statement for each element of the signal. The default
threshold value is 5.
For example, consider the model below:
The gain parameter of the Gain block is the vector
Assume that the loop unrolling threshold value is set to the default, 5.
If myGainVec
is declared as
myGainVec = [1:10];
an array of 10 elements, myGainVec_P.Gain_Gain[]
, is
declared within the
structure. The size of the gain array exceeds the loop unrolling threshold.
Therefore, the code generated for the Gain block iterates over the array in
a model
loop, as shown in the following code:
{ int32_T i1; /* Gain: '<Root>/Gain' */ for(i1=0; i1<10; i1++) { myGainVec_B.Gain_f[i1] = rtb_foo * myGainVec_P.Gain_Gain[i1]; } }
If myGainVec
is declared as
myGainVec = [1:3];
an array of three elements, myGainVec_P.Gain_Gain[]
, is
declared within the Parameters
data structure. The size
of the gain array is below the loop unrolling threshold. The generated code
consists of inline references to each element of the array, as in the code
/* Gain: '<Root>/Gain' */ myGainVec_B.Gain_f[0] = rtb_foo * myGainVec_P.Gain_Gain[0]; myGainVec_B.Gain_f[1] = rtb_foo * myGainVec_P.Gain_Gain[1]; myGainVec_B.Gain_f[2] = rtb_foo * myGainVec_P.Gain_Gain[2];
See Explore Variable Names and Loop Rolling for more information on loop rolling.
When a model includes Stateflow® charts or MATLAB Function blocks, you can apply a set of Stateflow optimizations on the Optimization pane. The settings you select for the Stateflow options also apply to MATLAB Function blocks in the model. This is because the MATLAB Function blocks and Stateflow charts are built on top of the same technology and share a code base. You do not need a Stateflow license to use MATLAB Function blocks.
If your MATLAB Function block contains code with two
nested for
If the number of iterations of the inner loop is less than the threshold, the code generator first unrolls the inner loop. Subsequently, if the product of the number of iterations of the two loops is also less than the threshold, the code generator unrolls the outer loop. Otherwise the code generator produces the outer
-loop.If the number of iterations of the inner loop is equal to or greater than the threshold, the code generator produces both
-loopsFor an N-Dimensional array the code generator unrolls each contiguous loop until the product of loop iterations is less than the threshold value.