Data Type Conversion and Casting
Data type conversion and casting refers to changing from one data type to another. Fixed-Point Designer™ lets you create and optimize data types that meet numerical accuracy requirements and target hardware constraints.
- Parameter and Signal Conversions
Conversions of data types of parameters and signals in Simulink® simulations.
- Conversions and Arithmetic Operations
Example highlighting how the data types are converted and arithmetic operations are performed on inputs and parameters in the Simulink software.
- Fixed-Point Arithmetic
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, casts, modulo, and two’s complement arithmetic.
- Cast from Doubles to Fixed Point
Simulate a continuous signal with fixed-point data types using Fixed-Point Designer to adjust scaling, rounding, and overflow handling.
- Display Port Data Types
Three parts of the port display for fixed-point signals: the data type, the number of bits, and the scaling.
- fi Objects and C Integer Data Types
Comparison of ANSI C integer data type ranges, conversions, and exception handling with those of
objects. - Cast fi Objects
Information on casting