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Configuration of source used with track fuser


A fuserSourceConfiguration object contains the configuration information of a source used with a track fuser. A source of a track fuser is a tracking system (such as a tracker or another track fuser) that outputs tracks to the track fuser.



config = fuserSourceConfiguration(SourceIndex) creates a source configuration object to use with a track fuser. You must specify SourceIndex as a positive integer. The other properties of the configuration take default values.


config = fuserSourceConfiguration(SourceIndex,Name,Value) allows you to specify additional properties using one or more name-value pairs. Enclose each property name in single quotes.


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Unique index for the source system, specified as a positive integer. This property distinguishes different source systems that output tracks to the fuser.

Example: 2

Indicate if the source is internal to the fuser, specified as true or false. An internal source is a source that the fuser directly fuses tracks from even if the tracks are not self reported. For example, if the fuser is at the vehicle level, a tracking radar installed on this vehicle is considered internal, while another vehicle that reports fused tracks is considered external.

Data Types: logical

Indicate if the source can initialize a central track in the fuser, specified as true or false. A central track is a track maintained in the fuser.

Example: false

Data Types: logical

Function to transform a track from local to central state space, specified as a function handle. The default transform function, @track(track), makes no transformation.

Data Types: function_handle

Function to transform a track from central to local state space, specified as a function handle. The default transform function, @track(track), makes no transformation.

Data Types: function_handle


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Create a fusion configuration for a source with SourceIndex equal to 3.

config = fuserSourceConfiguration(3)
config = 
  fuserSourceConfiguration with properties:

                    SourceIndex: 3
               IsInternalSource: 1
    IsInitializingCentralTracks: 1
     LocalToCentralTransformFcn: @(track)track
     CentralToLocalTransformFcn: @(track)track

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Version History

Introduced in R2019b