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Obtain track filter properties


filtervalues = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,branchID,properties) returns the values, filtervalues, of tracking filter properties, properties, for the specified branch, branchID.

This syntax applies when you create the tracker using trackerTOMHT.


filtervalues = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,trackID,properties) returns the values, filtervalues, of tracking filter properties, properties, for the specified track, trackID.

This syntax applies when you create the tracker using trackerGNN or trackerJPDA.



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Create a track filter with default properties from one detection. Obtain the values of the MeasurementNoise and ProcessNoise track filter properties.

tracker = trackerTOMHT;
detection = objectDetection(0,[0;0;0]);
branches = getBranches(tracker);
branchID = branches(1).BranchID;
values = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker, branchID, ...
    'MeasurementNoise', 'ProcessNoise')
values=2×1 cell array
    {3x3 double}
    {3x3 double}

     1     0     0
     0     1     0
     0     0     1

Create a track filter from one detection. Assume default properties. Obtain the values of the MeasurementNoise and ProcessNoise track filter properties.

tracker = trackerGNN;
detection = objectDetection(0,[0;0;0]);
[~,tracks] = tracker(detection,0);
values = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,tracks.TrackID, ...
values=2×1 cell array
    {3x3 double}
    {3x3 double}

     1     0     0
     0     1     0
     0     0     1

Input Arguments

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Target tracker, specified as a trackerGNN, trackerJPDA, or trackerTOMHT object.

Branch identifier, specified as a positive integer. The identifier must be a valid BranchID reported in the list of branches returned by the getBranches object function.

Example: 21


Data Types: uint32

Track identifier, specified as a positive integer. trackID must be a valid track identifier as reported from the previous track update.

Example: 21

Data Types: uint32

Filter properties, specified as a comma-delimited list of valid tracker properties to obtain. Enclose each property in single quotes.

Example: 'MeasurementNoise','ProcessNoise'

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

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Filter property values, returned as a cell array. Filter values are returned in the same order as the list of properties.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b