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Check file extension

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelChecker.runFileExtensionChecks

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelAdvisor.runFileExtensionChecks

Check file extensions based on the target language.

Available with Simulink® and HDL Coder™.


This check detects whether the file extension is:

  • .vhd when you generate code with VHDL® as the target language.

  • .v when you generate code with Verilog® as the target language.

  • .sv when you generate code with SystemVerilog as the target language.

This check corresponds to rule 1.A.A.1 of the industry-standard rules.

Results and Recommended Actions

To fix this warning, click Modify Settings and the code generator updates the file name extension.

See Also

Rule 1.A.A.1 of Basic Coding Practices.