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List installed IVI-C and VXIplug&play drivers

Since R2022a


    driverList = ividriverlist returns a table containing information about the IVI-C and VXIplug&play drivers installed on your computer, as well as their associated MATLAB® drivers. The table also contains the thirteen IVI® class-compliant drivers. Use the MATLAB drivers to connect to devices with ividev.

    To use the ividev interface, you must have the Instrument Control Toolbox™ Support Package for IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers. For more information, see Install Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers.



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    Use ividriverlist to list all installed IVI-C and VXIplug&play drivers on your computer.

    driverList = ividriverlist
    driverList =
      15×4 table
                 VendorDriver          MATLABDriver            IVIClass                                                                                       SupportedModels                                                                              
              __________________    __________________    __________________    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
        1     "AgInfiniiVision"     "AgInfiniiVision"     "IVIScope"            {["C7302"    "C7302C"    "C7304"    "C7304C"    "C7312"    "C7312C"    "C7314"    "C7314C"    "C7322"    "C7322C"    "C7324"    "C7324C"    "C7332"    "C7332C"    …    ]}
        2     "IviACPwr"            "IviACPwr"            "IVIACPwr"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        3     "IviCounter"          "IviCounter"          "IVICounter"          {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        4     "IviDCPwr"            "IviDCPwr"            "IVIDCPwr"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        5     "IviDigitizer"        "IviDigitizer"        "IVIDigitizer"        {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        6     "IviDmm"              "IviDmm"              "IVIDmm"              {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        7     "IviDownconverter"    "IviDownconverter"    "IVIDownconverter"    {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        8     "IviFgen"             "IviFgen"             "IVIFgen"             {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        9     "IviPwrMeter"         "IviPwrMeter"         "IVIPwrMeter"         {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        10    "IviRfSigGen"         "IviRfSigGen"         "IVIRfSigGen"         {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        11    "IviScope"            "IviScope"            "IVIScope"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        12    "IviSpecAn"           "IviSpecAn"           "IVISpecAn"           {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        13    "IviSwtch"            "IviSwtch"            "IVISwtch"            {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        14    "IviUpconverter"      "IviUpconverter"      "IVIUpconverter"      {[""                                                                                                                                                                     ]}
        15    "tktds1k2k"           "tktds1k2k"           "IVIScope"            {["TB21042"    "TBS1022"    "TBS1032B"    "TBS1042"    "TBS1052B"    "TBS1052B-EDU"    "TBS1062"    "TBS1064"    "TBS1072B"    "TBS1072B-EDU"    "TBS1102"    …         ]}

    The VendorDriver and MATLABDriver columns identify each installed driver. You must use MATLABDriver as an input to create an ividev object. The IVIClass and SupportedModels columns provide additional information about the driver.

    In this example, AgInfiniiVision and tktds1k2k are the IVI drivers installed on this computer. The ividriverlist function also lists the thirteen IVI class-compliant drivers.

    Output Arguments

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    List of IVI-C and VXIplug&play drivers installed on your computer, returned as a table. The table has the following columns.

    Third-party vendor driver name, returned as a string scalar. This is the vendor driver DLL that you have installed on your computer.

    MATLAB driver name, returned as a string scalar. This is the MATLAB wrapper for the associated vendor driver. Use this name as an input for ividev to create a connection to your instrument.

    You must have the vendor driver installed on your computer to have the associated MATLAB driver. If the value of this column is empty, but VendorDriver is not, the MATLAB driver is most likely not supported by the Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers. For a full list of MATLAB drivers that are included with the support package, see Supported IVI Drivers.

    IVI instrument class of the driver, returned as a string scalar. If the driver is a VXIplug&play driver, the value of this column is "VXIPnP".

    Instrument models supported by the driver in MATLAB, returned as a string scalar. You can search this array to determine if your instrument is supported.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

    See Also
