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Get characteristic information about 3-D MIMO fading channel


channelInfo = info(lte3d) returns characteristic information about the 3-D multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) fading channel object specified by lte3d.



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Create an lte3DChannel System object.

lte3d = lte3DChannel('PathDelays',[0 500e-9], ...
    'AveragePathGains',[-13.4 3.0], ...
    'AnglesAoD',[-178.1 -4.2], ...
    'AnglesAoA',[51.3 -152.7], ...
    'AnglesZoD',[50.2 93.2], ...
    'AnglesZoA',[125.4 91.3], ...

To get characteristic information about the channel, call the info function on the object.

channelInfo = info(lte3d)
channelInfo = struct with fields:
    KFactorFirstCluster: -Inf
           ClusterTypes: {'SubclusteredNLOS'  'SubclusteredNLOS'  'SubclusteredNLOS'  'NLOS'}
             PathDelays: [5.0000e-07 5.0500e-07 5.1000e-07 0]
       AveragePathGains: [-0.0103 -2.2288 -3.9897 -13.4000]
              AnglesAoD: [-4.2000 -4.2000 -4.2000 -178.1000]
              AnglesAoA: [-152.7000 -152.7000 -152.7000 51.3000]
              AnglesZoD: [93.2000 93.2000 93.2000 50.2000]
              AnglesZoA: [91.3000 91.3000 91.3000 125.4000]
    NumTransmitAntennas: 8
        NumInputSignals: 8
     NumReceiveAntennas: 2
       NumOutputSignals: 2
     ChannelFilterDelay: 7
    MaximumChannelDelay: 23

Input Arguments

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MIMO fading channel, specified as an lte3DChannel System object. This object implements the TR 36.873 link-level MIMO fading channel.

Output Arguments

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Characteristic information about MIMO fading channel, returned as a structure containing the following fields:

Parameter FieldValueDescription

Numeric row vector

Delays of discrete channel paths for each cluster, returned in seconds. These values include the effects of DelaySpread scaling, and KFactor scaling (when enabled).


Cell array of character vectors

Type of each cluster in the delay profile, returned as a cell array of character vectors. Cluster types can be 'LOS', 'SubclusteredNLOS', or 'NLOS'. The PathDelays, AveragePathGains, AnglesAoA, AnglesAoD, AnglesZoA, and AnglesZoD properties define the delay profile.


Numeric row vector

Average path gains of the discrete path or clusters in dB. These values include the effect of K-factor scaling if enabled. For more information, see the KFactor property.


Numeric row vector

Azimuth of departure angles of the clusters in degrees.


Numeric row vector

Azimuth of arrival angles of the clusters in degrees.


Numeric row vector

Zenith of departure angles of the clusters in degrees.


Numeric row vector

Zenith of arrival angles of the clusters in degrees.


Numeric scalar

K-factor of first cluster of delay profile in dB. If the first cluster of the delay profile follows a Laplacian instead of a Rician distribution, KFactorFirstCluster is -Inf.


Numeric scalar

Number of transmit antennas.

NumInputSignalsNumeric scalarNumber of input signals.

Numeric scalar

Number of receive antennas.

NumOutputSignalsNumeric scalarNumber of output signals.

Numeric scalar

Channel filter delay in samples.


  • The step of splitting the strongest clusters into subclusters, described in TR 36.873 [1], Section 7.3, requires sorting of the clusters by their average power. Therefore if the NumStrongestClusters property is nonzero, the fields of the information structure are sorted by average power. That is, the AveragePathGains, ClusterTypes, PathDelays, AnglesAoD, AnglesAoA, AnglesZoD, and AnglesZoA fields are presented in descending order of the average gain.

  • If the HasLOSCluster property is set to true, the NLOS (Laplacian) part of that cluster, and the LOS cluster, are not necessarily next to each other. However, the KFactorFirstCluster field still indicates the appropriate K-factor scaling.


[1] 3GPP TR 36.873. “Study on 3D channel model for LTE.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA). URL:

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

See Also