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Convert referencing matrix to world file matrix


    W = refmatToWorldFileMatrix(refmat) converts the referencing matrix refmat to the world file matrix W.


    You can also create a world file matrix from a raster reference object.

    • Convert a reference object to a world file matrix by using the worldFileMatrix function.

    • Convert a reference object to a world file matrix and write the matrix to a file by using the worldfilewrite function.



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    Specify a sample referencing matrix. Then, convert the referencing matrix to a world file matrix.

    refmat = [0 1; 1 0; -0.5 -90.5];
    W = refmatToWorldFileMatrix(refmat)
    W = 2×3
        1.0000         0    0.5000
             0    1.0000  -89.5000

    Input Arguments

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    Referencing matrix, specified as a 3-by-2 matrix. A referencing matrix defines a transformation that maps intrinsic coordinates to world or geographic coordinates.

    • For world coordinates, specify refmat so that [xwyw]=[xiyi1]refmat, where (xi, yi) is a location in intrinsic coordinates and (xw, yw) is the same location in world coordinates.

    • For geographic coordinates, specify refmat so that [lonlat]=[xy1]refmat, where x and y specify a location in intrinsic coordinates and lat and lon specify the same location in geographic coordinates.

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    World file matrix, returned as a 2-by-3 matrix.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2011a