Class: matlabtest.coder.TestCase
Namespace: matlabtest.coder
Fatally assert that generated C/C++ code execution results match MATLAB results
Since R2023a
fatally asserts that the execution results specified by
for the C/C++ code generated by MATLAB®
Coder™ match the execution of the MATLAB source code in the equivalence test case testCase
returns diagnostic information specified by testCase
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to the input arguments
in previous syntaxes.Name=Value
Input Arguments
— Test case
Test case, specified as a matlabtest.coder.TestCase
— Execution results for generated C/C++ code in equivalence tests
Execution results for the generated C/C++ code in the equivalence tests, specified as a matlabtest.coder.results.ExecutionResults
— Failure diagnostic information
string scalar | character vector | function handle | matlab.unittest.diagnostics.Diagnostic
Failure diagnostic information, specified as a:
String scalar or character vector
Function handle
object or object of one of its subclasses
Example: verifyExecutionMatchesMATLAB(testCase,executionResults,"Equivalence
test failed")
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: AbsTol=0.01
— Absolute tolerance
numeric array
Absolute tolerance, specified as a numeric array. The sizes of AbsTol
, where expected
is the output of the
MATLAB execution of the function, must be the same or compatible. See Compatible Array Sizes for Basic Operations for more information about compatible arrays.
The tolerance is applied only to values of the same data type. For an absolute tolerance to be
satisfied, abs(expected-actual) <= AbsTol
must be
, where actual
is ExecutableOutput
— Relative tolerance
numeric array
Relative tolerance, specified as a numeric array. The sizes of RelTol
, where expected
is the output of the
MATLAB execution of the function, must be the same or compatible. See Compatible Array Sizes for Basic Operations for more information about compatible arrays.
The tolerance is applied only to values of the same data type. For a relative tolerance to be
satisfied, abs(expected-actual) <= RelTol.*abs(expected)
must be
, where actual
is ExecutableOutput
Generate C Code and Fatally Assert Equivalence
This example shows how to generate C code from a MATLAB function by using MATLAB Coder and fatally assert equivalence.
The function myAdd
takes two numbers as inputs, adds them together, and outputs the result.
function y = myAdd(a,b) %#codegen y = a+b; end
This class definition file defines an equivalence test case that inherits from
. The test case in the
block defines a test case that:
Builds C code from the
function with inputs set to(0,0)
Executes the C code with inputs set to
Fatally asserts that the execution of the C code matches the execution of the MATLAB function
with the same inputs
classdef tEquivalence< matlabtest.coder.TestCase methods (Test) function tMyAdd(testCase) buildResults = build(testCase,"myAdd", ... Inputs={0,0}); executionResults = execute(testCase,buildResults, ... Inputs={1,2}); fatalAssertExecutionMatchesMATLAB(testCase,executionResults) end end end
Run the tMyAdd
runtests("tEquivalence", ... procedureName="tMyAdd")
Running tMyAdd .. Done tMyAdd __________ ans = TestResult with properties: Name: 'tEquivalence/tMyAdd' Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Incomplete: 0 Duration: 2.6670 Details: [1×1 struct] Totals: 1 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete. 2.667 seconds testing time.
Generate C Code, Fatally Assert Equivalence, and Return Custom Diagnostic Result
This example shows how to generate C code from a MATLAB function by using MATLAB Coder, fatally assert equivalence, and return a custom diagnostic result.
The function myAdd
takes two numbers as inputs, adds them together, and outputs the result.
function y = myAdd(a,b) %#codegen y = a+b; end
This class definition file defines an equivalence test case that inherits from
. The test case in the
block defines a test case that:
Builds C code from the
function with inputs set to(0,0)
Executes the C code with inputs set to
Fatally asserts that the execution of the C code matches the execution of the MATLAB function
with the same inputs and returns a string if the test fails
classdef tEquivalence< matlabtest.coder.TestCase methods (Test) function tMyAdd(testCase) buildResults = build(testCase,"myAdd", ... Inputs={0,0}); executionResults = execute(testCase,buildResults, ... Inputs={1,2}); d = "Equivalence test failed."; fatalAssertExecutionMatchesMATLAB(testCase, ... executionResults,d) end end end
Run the tMyAdd
runtests("tEquivalence", ... procedureName="tMyAdd")
Running tMyAdd .. Done tMyAdd __________ ans = TestResult with properties: Name: 'tEquivalence/tMyAdd' Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Incomplete: 0 Duration: 2.6670 Details: [1×1 struct] Totals: 1 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete. 2.667 seconds testing time.
Generate C Code and Fatally Assert Equivalence Within Tolerances
This example shows how to generate C code from a MATLAB function by using MATLAB Coder and fatally assert equivalence within tolerances.
The function myAdd
takes two numbers as inputs, adds them together, and outputs the result.
function y = myAdd(a,b) %#codegen y = a+b; end
This class definition file defines an equivalence test case that inherits from
. The test case in the
block defines a test case that:
Builds C code from the
function with inputs set to(0,0)
Executes the C code with inputs set to
Fatally asserts that the execution of the C code matches the execution of the MATLAB function
with the same inputs and within an absolute tolerance of0.01
classdef tEquivalence< matlabtest.coder.TestCase methods (Test) function tMyAdd(testCase) buildResults = build(testCase,"myAdd", ... Inputs={0,0}); executionResults = execute(testCase,buildResults, ... Inputs={1,2}); fatalAssertExecutionMatchesMATLAB(testCase, ... executionResults,AbsTol=0.01) end end end
Run the tMyAdd
runtests("tEquivalence", ... procedureName="tMyAdd")
Running tMyAdd .. Done tMyAdd __________ ans = TestResult with properties: Name: 'tEquivalence/tMyAdd' Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Incomplete: 0 Duration: 2.6670 Details: [1×1 struct] Totals: 1 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete. 2.667 seconds testing time.
Version History
Introduced in R2023a
See Also
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