通过优化布局、定义自定义键盘快捷方式以及设置颜色、字体和其他桌面预设项,个性化 MATLAB® 桌面。
prefdir | 包含预设项、设置、历史记录和布局文件的文件夹 |
预设项 | 打开预设项窗口以查看和更改预设项 |
- Change Desktop Layout
Optimize the desktop layout by choosing from a set of preconfigured desktop layouts or creating your own customized layout.
- Accessibility in MATLAB
MATLAB provides several features to help make it accessible to users including keyboard shortcuts, screen reader support, zooming, the option to change the desktop colors, and data sonification.
- MATLAB 存储预设项的位置
MATLAB 和其他 MathWorks® 产品将其预设项存储在预设文件夹中。要查看预设文件夹的完整路径,请在 MATLAB 命令行窗口中键入
。预设文件夹的名称与版本名称匹配。例如,对于版本 R2016b,预设文件夹的名称为R2016b
。 - 从其他版本导入预设项
MATLAB 可从您启动的版本之前三个版本的任一版本导入预设项。
- Manage Windows in MATLAB Online
Pin, collapse, minimize, maximize, and close windows in MATLAB Online™.
- Get Started with the New Desktop for MATLAB (Beta)
Try new features including dark theme, an updated layout, and expanded search capabilities. (自 R2024b 起)
- Extend MATLAB Using Extension Points (Beta)
Learn the basics of using extension points and what extension are available to use. (自 R2024b 起)