Pass Sparse Arrays to MATLAB from C++
MATLAB® sparse arrays provide efficient storage of double or logical data that has a large percentage of zeros. MATLAB sparse arrays support arithmetic, logical, and indexing operations. For more information, see Sparse Matrices.
This example shows how to use matlab::data::ArrayFactory
to create a
array. It
writes the data for the sparse array into buffers and uses these buffers to create the
sparse array. Then the code passes the sparse array to MATLAB using MATLABEngine::setVariable
#include "MatlabDataArray.hpp"
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp"
void sparseArray() {
using namespace matlab::engine;
// Connect to named shared MATLAB session started as:
// matlab -r "matlab.engine.shareEngine('myMatlabEngine')"
String session(u"myMatlabEngine");
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = connectMATLAB(session);
// Define the data for the sparse array
std::vector<double> data = { 3.5, 12.98, 21.76 };
std::vector<size_t> rows = { 0,0,1 };
std::vector<size_t> cols = { 0, 4, 8 };
size_t nnz = 3;
// Create buffers for the data
matlab::data::ArrayFactory factory;
buffer_ptr_t<double> data_p = factory.createBuffer<double>(nnz);
buffer_ptr_t<size_t> rows_p = factory.createBuffer<size_t>(nnz);
buffer_ptr_t<size_t> cols_p = factory.createBuffer<size_t>(nnz);
// Write data into the buffers
double* dataPtr = data_p.get();
size_t* rowsPtr = rows_p.get();
size_t* colsPtr = cols_p.get();
std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(), [&](const double& e) { *(dataPtr++) = e; });
std::for_each(rows.begin(), rows.end(), [&](const size_t& e) { *(rowsPtr++) = e; });
std::for_each(cols.begin(), cols.end(), [&](const size_t& e) { *(colsPtr++) = e; });
// Use the buffers to create the sparse array
matlab::data::SparseArray<double> arr =
factory.createSparseArray<double>({ 2,9 }, nnz,
std::move(data_p), std::move(rows_p), std::move(cols_p));
// Put the sparse array in the MATLAB workspace
matlabPtr->setVariable(u"s", arr);
command shows that the array
passed to the MATLAB workspace is a sparse array.
>> whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes s 2x9 128 double sparse
For information on how to setup and build C++ engine programs, see Requirements to Build C++ Engine Applications.
See Also
| matlab::data::ArrayFactory
| matlab::engine::connectMATLAB