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Connect LSM6DSO sensor on Raspberry Pi hardware I2C bus

Since R2023a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware add-on.


The lsm6dso object reads ambient temperature, and linear acceleration and angular velocity along the X, Y, and Z axes using the STMicroelectronics® I2C-based LSM6DSO inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor interfaced with the Raspberry Pi® hardware. Before you use the lsm6dso object, enable the I2C interface using the Hardware Setup screen. You can then create a connection to the Raspberry Pi board using the raspi object and set its properties.



sensor = lsm6dso(mypi) creates a LSM6DSO sensor object with default property values. The object represents a connection to the sensor on the Raspberry Pi hardware mypi.

sensor = lsm6dso(mypi,Name,Value) creates a LSM6DSO sensor object with properties using one or more Name,Value arguments.

Input Arguments

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Raspberry Pi hardware board connection specified as a raspi object.

Example: sensor = lsm6dso(mypi) creates a connection to the LSM6DSO sensor on the Raspberry Pi object mypi.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

I2C bus address of the Raspberry Pi hardware board.

Example: sensor = lsm6dso(mypi, 'Bus', 'i2c-1') creates the sensor object on the 'i2c-1' bus of the Raspberry Pi board.

Data Types: char

Specify the I2C address of the sensors when multiple I2C devices with the expected address for LSM6DSO are connected to the same hardware board. LSM6DSO can have two I2C addresses depending on the logic level on pin SDO/SA0 of the sensor.

Pin NamePin StateI2C Address

You can specify the I2C address in:

  • Hexadecimal, decimal, or binary format

  • String of hexadecimal value of I2C Address

  • Character vector of hexadecimal value of I2C Address

Example: sensor = lsm6dso(mypi,'I2CAddress',0x6A)

0x6A is the I2C address of the accelerometer and gyroscope of LSM6DSO connected to Raspberry Pi board.

If not specified, the object will be created with one of the available I2C device address in the table. Availability of I2C device with the expected address will be determined by using scanI2CBus.

Object Functions

readAccelerationRead one sample of acceleration from sensor
readAngularVelocityRead one sample of angular velocity from sensor
readTemperatureRead one sample of temperature from sensor


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Ensure that the I2C interface on the Raspberry Pi kernel is enabled and then create an lsm6dso sensor object.

You can enable the I2C interface using:

Create a connection from MATLAB® to the Raspberry Pi hardware board.

mypi = raspi('raspberrypi-hysdu8X38o','rocky','bullwinkle')
mypi = 

  Raspi with Properties:

           DeviceAddress: 'raspberrypi-hysdu8X38o'
                    Port: 18734
               BoardName: 'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+'
           AvailableLEDs: {'led0'}
    AvailableDigitalPins: [4,5,6,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]
    AvailableSPIChannels: {‘CE0’,’CE1’}
       AvailableI2CBuses: {'i2c-1'}
             I2CBusSpeed: 100000
        AvailabelWebCams: mmal service 16.1 (platform:bcm2835-v4l2)

Get the addresses of the LSM6DSO sensor connected to the I2C bus 'i2c-1'.

sensor = scanI2CBus(mypi,'i2c-1');
ans =

  1×1 cell array


Create an lsm6dso sensor object on the I2C bus 'i2c-1' on address '0x6B'.

sensor = lsm6dso(mypi,'Bus','i2c-1','I2CAddress','0x6B');
sensor = 

  lsm6dso with properties:

                         I2CAddress: 107 ("0x6B")
                                Bus: i2c-1

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2023a