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Run path planners

Since R2022a


    runPlanner(plannerBM) runs all the path planners once.

    runPlanner(plannerBM,runCount) specifies the number of times to run all the path planners. The function collects outputs of initialization function and plan function. The function also calculates the metric, executionTime for the plan function and the metric, initializationTime for the initialization function.


    runPlanner(___,Verbose=Value) specifies verbose which display function progress. Value of verbose is specified as "on" or "off". The default value of verbose is "on".


    collapse all

    Create an occupancy map from an example map.

    map = occupancyMap(simpleMap);

    Create a state validator with stateSpaceSE2 using the map.

    sv = validatorOccupancyMap(stateSpaceSE2,Map=map);

    Specify the start and goal states.

    start = [5 8 pi/2];
    goal = [7 18 pi/2];

    Create a plannerBenchmark object.

    pbo = plannerBenchmark(sv,start,goal);

    Define the function handles for the initialization functions of the planners.

    plannerHAFcn = @(sv)plannerHybridAStar(sv);
    plannerRRTSFcn = @(sv)plannerRRTStar(sv.StateSpace,sv);

    Define the function handle for the plan function, which is common for both planners.

    plnFcn = @(initOut,s,g)plan(initOut,s,g);

    Add the path planners for benchmarking.


    Set the rng for repetitive results.


    Run the path planners for the number of times specified in runCount to collect metrics.

    runCount = 5;
    Initializing plannerHAFcn_plnFcn ...
    Planning a path from the start pose (5 8 1.5708) to the goal pose (7 18 1.5708) using plannerHAFcn_plnFcn.
    Executing run 1.
    Executing run 2.
    Executing run 3.
    Executing run 4.
    Executing run 5.
    Initializing ppRRTStar ...
    Planning a path from the start pose (5 8 1.5708) to the goal pose (7 18 1.5708) using ppRRTStar.
    Executing run 1.
    Executing run 2.
    Executing run 3.
    Executing run 4.
    Executing run 5.

    Access path length metric for all the runs on the environment.

    [pLenSummary,pLenData] = metric(pbo,"pathLength")
    pLenSummary=2×4 table
                                Mean     Median    StdDev     sampleSize
                               ______    ______    _______    __________
        plannerHAFcn_plnFcn    10.349    10.349          0        5     
        ppRRTStar               12.84      12.9    0.67112        5     
    pLenData=2×5 table
                                Run1      Run2      Run3      Run4      Run5 
                               ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
        plannerHAFcn_plnFcn    10.349    10.349    10.349    10.349    10.349
        ppRRTStar                13.8      12.9      12.2        12      13.3

    Visualize all the metrics.


    Figure contains 6 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title clearance, xlabel Planner, ylabel clearance contains an object of type boxchart. Axes object 2 with title executionTime, xlabel Planner, ylabel executionTime contains an object of type boxchart. Axes object 3 with title initializationTime, xlabel Planner, ylabel initializationTime contains an object of type boxchart. Axes object 4 with title isPathValid, xlabel Planner, ylabel isPathValid (SuccessRate) contains an object of type bar. Axes object 5 with title pathLength, xlabel Planner, ylabel pathLength contains an object of type boxchart. Axes object 6 with title smoothness, xlabel Planner, ylabel smoothness contains an object of type boxchart.

    Closely inspect the clearance metric.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title clearance, xlabel Planner, ylabel clearance contains an object of type boxchart.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Path planner benchmark, specified as a plannerBenchmark object.

    Number of times of execution of plan functions, specified as a positive scalar.

    Data Types: single | double

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

    See Also

