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Return recording of radar scenario

Since R2021a


Use the radarScenarioRecording object to record a radar scenario.


You can create a radarScenarioRecording object in these ways:

  • Create a recording of a radarScenario object by using the record function and specifying the 'RecordingFormat' name-value argument as 'Recording'.

  • Create a recording from prerecorded radar scenario data by using the radarScenarioRecording function described here.


recording = radarScenarioRecording(recordedData) creates a radarScenarioRecording object using recorded data. The recordedData argument sets the value of the RecordedData property.


recording = radarScenarioRecording(recordedData,Name,Value) sets one or both of the CurrentTime and CurrentStep properties using name-value arguments. Enclose each property name in quotes.


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Recorded data stored in the recording object, specified as a structure. You can set this property only when creating the object. The fields of the structure are the same as the fields of the output of the record function of the radarScenario object.

Timestamp of the latest read data, specified as a nonnegative scalar. When you call the read function on the object, the function reads the recorded data set that has SimulationTime larger than the CurrentTime.

Step index of the latest read data, specified as a nonnegative integer. When you call the read function on the object, the function reads the data set with the next step index.

Object Functions

isDoneIndicates end of radar scenario recording
readRead next step from radar scenario recording
resetReset to beginning of radar scenario recording


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Load prerecorded data from a radar scenario. The data is saved as a struct with the variable name recordedData. Create a radarScenarioRecording object using the recorded data.

load recordedRadarScenarioData.mat
recording = radarScenarioRecording(recordedData);

Construct a theater plot to display the recorded data using multiple plotters.

tp = theaterPlot('AxesUnits',["km" "km" "km"], ...
    'XLimits',[-50 50]*1e3,'YLimits',[-50 50]*1e3,'ZLimits',[-20 20]*1e3);
to = platformPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Tower','Marker','d');
pp = platformPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Targets');
dp = detectionPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Detections','MarkerFaceColor','black');
cp = coveragePlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Radar Beam');

coverage = struct('Index',1,'LookAngle',[0;-7],'FieldOfView',[1;10], ...
    'ScanLimits',[0 365;-12 -2],'Range',100e3,'Position',[0;0;-15], ...

Run the recorded scenario and animate the results.

scanBuffer = {};
while ~isDone(recording)
    % Step the reader to read the next frame of data
    [simTime,poses,covcon,dets,senconfig] = read(recording);
    scanBuffer = [scanBuffer;dets]; %#ok<AGROW>
    if ~isempty(dets)
        plotDetection(dp,cell2mat(cellfun(@(c) c.Measurement(:)', scanBuffer, 'UniformOutput', false)));
    % Clear the buffer when a 360 degree scan is complete
    if senconfig.IsScanDone
        scanBuffer = {};

Version History

Introduced in R2021a