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Change reference impedance of S-parameters


hs2 = newref(hs,Z0) creates an S-parameter object, hs2, by converting the S-parameters in hs to the specified reference impedance, Z0.



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Create an S-parameters object from data in the file, default.s2p.

hs = sparameters('default.s2p');

Change the reference impedance to 40 ohms.

hs2 = newref(hs,40)
hs2 = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 40
       NumPorts: 2
     Parameters: [2x2x191 double]
    Frequencies: [191x1 double]

Input Arguments

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S-parameters, specified as an RF Toolbox™ network parameter object. To create this type of object, use the sparameters function.

Characteristic impedance, in ohms, specified as a real positive scalar.

Output Arguments

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S-parameters with reference impedance Z0, returned as an RF Toolbox network parameter object.

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

See Also