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Extract noise data from Touchstone file or build noise figure data

Since R2022a


    Use the noiseParameters object to extract noise data from Touchstone file or build noise data from a noise figure data. You can also use this object to set the NoiseData property in the amplifier object.



    np = noiseParameters(filename) creates a noise parameters object np from the noise data in the two-port Touchstone file specified by filename.


    np = noiseParameters(fmin,freq,z0) creates a noise parameters object np and sets the Fmin and Frequencies properties with the reference impedance z0.


    Input Arguments

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    Name of the two-port Touchstone file from which to extract noise data, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

    Example: np = noiseParameters('default.s2p')

    Reference impedance, specified as a real scalar in ohms. z0 must be equal to the reference impedance of the network parameters.

    Example: np = noiseParameters(fmin,freq,z0)


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    Noise frequencies, specified as a column vector in Hz.

    Example: np.Frequencies=(2:2:22)*1e9

    Minimum noise figure, specified as a column vector in dB.

    Example: np.Fmin=2:10

    Source reflection coefficient to realize the minimum noise figure, specified as a complex column vector. You cannot set this property when creating the object. You can modify the property once you have created the object using dot notation.

    Example: np.GammaOpt=[2+j*5; 7; 3+j*9]

    Effective noise resistance normalized to the same resistance as the network parameters, specified as a column vector in ohms. You cannot set this property when creating the object. You can modify the property once you have created the object using dot notation.

    Example: np.Rn=[2:10]

    Object Functions

    amplifierCreate two-port amplifier element
    nportCreate linear n-port circuit element


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    Extract the noise data from a touchstone file.

    np = noiseParameters('default.s2p')
    np = 
      noiseParameters with properties:
        Frequencies: [9x1 double]
               Fmin: [9x1 double]
           GammaOpt: [9x1 double]
                 Rn: [9x1 double]

    Add this noise data to an amplifier object.

    a = amplifier(FileName='default.s2p',NoiseData=np)
    a = 
      amplifier: Amplifier element
               Name: 'Amplifier'
              Model: 'sparam'
           FileName: 'default.s2p'
        NetworkData: [1x1 sparameters]
          NoiseData: [1x1 noiseParameters]
               OIP2: Inf
               OIP3: Inf

    Define a measured noise figure (NF), noise frequencies, and the reference impedance data.

    NF = [4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3.5];
    freqs = (2:2:22)*1e9;
    z0 = 50;

    Build the noise parameters from the measured NF data.

    np = noiseParameters(NF,freqs,z0);

    Add this noise data to an amplifier object.

    a = amplifier(FileName='default.s2p',NoiseData=np)
    a = 
      amplifier: Amplifier element
               Name: 'Amplifier'
              Model: 'sparam'
           FileName: ''
        NetworkData: [1x1 sparameters]
          NoiseData: [1x1 noiseParameters]
               OIP2: Inf
               OIP3: Inf

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

    See Also