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Convert 4-port, single-ended S-parameters to 2-port, cross-mode S-parameters (Scd)


scd_params = s2scd(s_params) converts the 2N-port single-ended S-parameters to N-portcross-mode S-parameters.


scd_params = s2scd(s_params,option) converts S-parameters based on the optional option argument, which indicates the port-ordering convention of the S-parameters.


collapse all

Convert network data to cross-mode S-Parameters using the default port ordering.

 S = sparameters('default.s4p'); 
 s4p = S.Parameters; 
 s_cd = s2scd(s4p);

Display the cross-mode S-Parameters at the first frequency.

 s_cd_new = s_cd(:,:,1)
s_cd_new = 2×2 complex

   0.0015 - 0.0029i  -0.0005 + 0.0014i
   0.0003 - 0.0009i   0.0019 - 0.0027i

Input Arguments

collapse all

2N-port S-parameters, specified as a 2N-by-2N-by-M array of complex numbers, where M represents the number of frequency points of 2N-port S-parameters.

Port order, a scalar, specified as 1, 2, or 3. Port order determines how the function orders the ports:

  • 1s2scd pairs the odd-numbered ports together first, followed by the even-numbered ports. For example, in a single-ended, 8-port network:

    • Ports 1 and 3 become cross-mode pair 1.

    • Ports 5 and 7 become cross-mode pair 2.

    • Ports 2 and 4 become cross-mode pair 3.

    • Ports 6 and 8 become cross-mode pair 4.

    The following figure illustrates this convention for an 8-port device.

    8-port network

  • 2s2scd pairs the input and output ports in ascending order. For example, in a single-ended, 8-port network:

    • Ports 1 and 2 become cross-mode pair 1.

    • Ports 3 and 4 become cross-mode pair 2.

    • Ports 5 and 6 become cross-mode pair 3.

    • Ports 7 and 8 become cross-mode pair 4.

    The following figure illustrates this convention for an 8-port device.

    8-port network

  • 3s2scd pairs the input ports in ascending order and the output ports in descending order. For example, in a single-ended, 8-port network:

    • Ports 1 and 2 become cross-mode pair 1.

    • Ports 3 and 4 become cross-mode pair 2.

    • Ports 8 and 7 become cross-mode pair 3.

    • Ports 6 and 5 become cross-mode pair 4.

    The following figure illustrates this convention for an 8-port device.

    8-port network

Output Arguments

collapse all

N-port cross-mode S-Parameters, returned as a complex N-by-N-by-M array of complex numbers where M represents the number of frequency points of N-port cross-mode S-parameters.


[1] Fan, W., A. C. W. Lu, L. L. Wai, and B. K. Lok. "Mixed-Mode S-Parameter Characterization of Differential Structures."Electronic Packaging Technology Conference. pp. 533–537, 2003.

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

See Also

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