Control Cartesian Pose Using MATLAB
This section helps you to manipulate the KINOVA® Gen3 7-DoF
Ultralightweight Robot arm and achieve desired Cartesian pose using
MATLAB®. Execute the following commands sequentially in the MATLAB to manipulate the robot. As explained in KINOVA github page, the first part of the ROS topic,
might be different based on the robot name set during
the roslaunch
Read the current Cartesian pose of the robot.
baseSub = rossubscriber('/my_gen3/base_feedback');
baseMsg = baseSub.LatestMessage;
Set the offset in the current Cartesian pose. First three values corresponds to the
offset in X
, Y
and Z
respectively and are in meters. The last three values correspond to the offset in
rotation angles with respect to X
, Y
axis respectively and are in degrees.
offsets = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0];
Create a service client and an empty ROS message for the ROS service
[cartTrajSrv,cartTrajMsg] = rossvcclient('/my_gen3/base/play_cartesian_trajectory');
Set the desired Cartesian pose using the existing pose and offsets.
cartTrajMsg.Input.TargetPose.X = baseMsg.Base.ToolPoseX + offsets(1); cartTrajMsg.Input.TargetPose.Y = baseMsg.Base.ToolPoseY + offsets(2); cartTrajMsg.Input.TargetPose.Z = baseMsg.Base.ToolPoseZ + offsets(3); cartTrajMsg.Input.TargetPose.ThetaX = baseMsg.Base.ToolPoseThetaX + offsets(4); cartTrajMsg.Input.TargetPose.ThetaY = baseMsg.Base.ToolPoseThetaY + offsets(5); cartTrajMsg.Input.TargetPose.ThetaZ = baseMsg.Base.ToolPoseThetaZ + offsets(6);
Set the velocity constraints on the translation speed and rotational speed.
speedConstraint = rosmessage('kortex_driver/CartesianSpeed'); speedConstraint.Translation = 0.5; % m/s speedConstraint.Orientation = 45; % deg/s cartTrajMsg.Input.Constraint.OneofType.Speed = speedConstraint;
Call the service to move the robot.