Perform Path Planning Simulation with Mobile Robot
Create a scenario to simulate a mobile robot navigating a room. The example demonstrates how to create a scenario, model a robot platform from a rigid body tree object, obtain a binary occupancy grid map from the scenario, and plan a path for the mobile robot to follow using the mobileRobotPRM
path planning algorithm.
Create Scenario with Ground Plane and Static Meshes
A robotScenario
object consists of a set of static obstacles and movable objects called platforms. Use robotPlatform
object to model the mobile robot within the scenario. This example builds a scenario consisting of a ground plane and box meshes to create a room.
scenario = robotScenario(UpdateRate=5);
Add a plane mesh as ground plane in the scenario.
floorColor = [0.5882 0.2941 0];
addMesh(scenario,"Plane",Position=[5 5 0],Size=[10 10],Color=floorColor);
The walls of the room are modeled as box meshes. The static meshes are added with the IsBinaryOccupied
value set to true
, so these obstacles are incorporated into the binary occupancy map used for path planning.
wallHeight = 1; wallWidth = 0.25; wallLength = 10; wallColor = [1 1 0.8157]; % Add outer walls. addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[wallWidth/2, wallLength/2, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallWidth, wallLength, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true); addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[wallLength-wallWidth/2, wallLength/2, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallWidth, wallLength, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true); addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[wallLength/2, wallLength-wallWidth/2, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallLength, wallWidth, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true); addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[wallLength/2, wallWidth/2, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallLength, wallWidth, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true); % Add inner walls. addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[wallLength/8, wallLength/3, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallLength/4, wallWidth, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true); addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[wallLength/4, wallLength/3, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallWidth, wallLength/6, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true); addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[(wallLength-wallLength/4), wallLength/2, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallLength/2, wallWidth, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true); addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[wallLength/2, wallLength/2, wallHeight/2],... Size=[wallWidth, wallLength/3, wallHeight],Color=wallColor,IsBinaryOccupied=true);
Visualize the scenario.
show3D(scenario); lightangle(-45,30); view(60,50);
Obtain Binary Occupancy Map from Scenario
Obtain an occupancy map as a binaryOccupancyMap
object from the scenario for path planning. Inflate the occupied spaces on the map by 0.3m.
map = binaryOccupancyMap(scenario,GridOriginInLocal=[-2 -2],... MapSize=[15 15],... MapHeightLimits=[0 3]); inflate(map,0.3);
Visualize the 2-D occupancy map.
Path Planning
Use the mobileRobotPRM
path planner to find an obstacle-free path between the start and goal positions on the obtained map.
Specify the start and goal positions of the mobile robot.
startPosition = [1 1]; goalPosition = [8 8];
Set the rng
seed for repeatability.
Create a mobileRobotPRM
object with the binary occupancy map and specify the maximum number of nodes. Specify the maximum distance between the two connected nodes.
numnodes = 2000; planner = mobileRobotPRM(map,numnodes); planner.ConnectionDistance = 1;
Find a path between the start and goal positions.
waypoints = findpath(planner,startPosition,goalPosition);
Trajectory Generation
Generate trajectory for the mobile robot to follow with the waypoints from the planned path using the waypointTrajectory
System object™.
% Robot height from base. robotheight = 0.12; % Number of waypoints. numWaypoints = size(waypoints,1); % Robot arrival time at first waypoint. firstInTime = 0; % Robot arrival time at last waypoint. lastInTime = firstInTime + (numWaypoints-1); % Generate waypoint trajectory with waypoints from planned path. traj = waypointTrajectory(SampleRate=10,... TimeOfArrival=firstInTime:lastInTime, ... Waypoints=[waypoints, robotheight*ones(numWaypoints,1)], ... ReferenceFrame="ENU");
Add Robot Platform to Scenario
Load the Clearpath Husky mobile robot from the robot library as a rigidBodyTree
huskyRobot = loadrobot("clearpathHusky");
Create a robotPlatform
object with the robot model specified as a rigidBodyTree
object and its trajectory specified as a waypointTrajectory
System object.
platform = robotPlatform("husky",scenario, RigidBodyTree=huskyRobot,... BaseTrajectory=traj);
Visualize the scenario with the robot.
[ax,plotFrames] = show3D(scenario); lightangle(-45,30) view(60,50)
Simulate Mobile Robot
Visualize the planned path.
hold(ax,"on") plot(ax,waypoints(:,1),waypoints(:,2),"-ms",... LineWidth=2,... MarkerSize=4,... MarkerEdgeColor="b",... MarkerFaceColor=[0.5 0.5 0.5]); hold(ax,"off")
Set up the simulation. Since all the poses of the robot are known in advance, simply step through the simulation and update the visualization at each step.
setup(scenario) % Control simulation rate at 20 Hz. r = rateControl(20); % Status of robot in simulation. robotStartMoving = false; while advance(scenario) show3D(scenario,Parent=ax,FastUpdate=true); waitfor(r); currentPose = read(platform); if ~any(isnan(currentPose)) % implies that robot is in the scene and performing simulation. robotStartMoving = true; end if any(isnan(currentPose)) && robotStartMoving % break, once robot reaches goal position. break; end end
To re-run the simulation and visualize the results again, reset the simulation in the scenario.