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Get current joint velocities from the robot

Since R2022a


jointvelocity=getJointVelocity(ur) waits for the next published joint state from the Universal Robots cobot connected through ROS interface, and returns current joint velocities. If no message is received in 5 seconds, the function displays an error.

jointvelocity=getJointVelocity(ur,timeout) allows you to specify a timeout for obtaining the current joint velocities from the Universal Robots cobot connected through ROS interface. If no message is received within the specified time, the function displays an error.



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Connect to a physical or simulated cobot, using either urROSNode or urROS2Node object (based on the option for connectivity – ROS or ROS 2, which you selected in the Hardware Setup screen).

  • Connect to a physical or simulated cobot at IP address on the ROS network.

    ur = urROSNode('');
  • Connect to a physical or simulated cobot on the ROS 2 network.

    ur = urROS2Node;

Get current joint velocities of the cobot.

jointangles = getJointVelocity(ur);
jointVelocity = 1×6    
10-12 x

   -0.2650    0.3293   -0.1815   -0.2142    0.2368   -0.0602

Specify a timeout of 10 seconds while obtaining current joint configuration of the cobot.

jointangles = getJointVelocity(ur,10);

Input Arguments

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Connection to physical or simulated cobot from Universal Robots, specified as a urROSNode object or a urROS2Node object.

Timeout value by which the joint velocities must be obtained from the simulated cobot, specified in seconds.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Current joint velocities, returned as a 1-by-6 vector of angular velocity in rad/s (radians per second).

Data Types: double

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a