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Report Generator Creation

Create a MATLAB® program to generate a Microsoft® Word, HTML, or PDF report

Use the MATLAB Report Generator™ application programming interface (API) to create programs to generate reports. To get started, see Create Report Programs. Other topics below have details about the required and optional tasks, and the elements that make up a report generator program. For general information on reporters, see What Are Reporters?

To share your report generation program with others who do not have MATLAB installed on their systems, see Create Standalone Applications from Report Programs.


expand all container
mlreportgen.dom.DocumentDocument container
mlreportgen.dom.ContainerContainer of document objects Superclass for MATLAB reporters
mlreportgen.finder.FinderBase class for finders
mlreportgen.finder.ResultBase class for finder results
mlreportgen.dom.MessageDispatcherDOM message dispatcher
mlreportgen.dom.MessageEventDataHolds message triggering message event
mlreportgen.dom.MessageFilterFilter to control message dispatcher
mlreportgen.dom.DebugMessageDebugging message
mlreportgen.dom.ErrorMessageError message
mlreportgen.dom.ProgressMessageProgress message
mlreportgen.dom.WarningMessageWarning message


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rptviewDisplay report or presentation
docviewView or perform operations on Word document
rptconvertConvert DocBook XML files generated by Report Explorer to formatted reports



Required Report Tasks and Elements

Optional Report Tasks and Elements


Resolve Errors Stemming from Closing PDF Documents on Cloud Drives

Troubleshoot an error that is caused by file contention during PDF generation on a cloud drive.

Featured Examples