Simscape 模块
Constant Volume Chamber (IL) | Chamber with one port and fixed volume of isothermal liquid (自 R2020a 起) |
Flow Resistance (IL) | General resistance in an isothermal liquid branch (自 R2020a 起) |
Infinite Flow Resistance (IL) | Isothermal liquid element for setting initial pressure difference between two nodes (自 R2020a 起) |
Laminar Leakage (IL) | Isothermal liquid element that models laminar leakage flow for various geometries (自 R2020a 起) |
Local Restriction (IL) | Restriction in flow area in isothermal liquid network (自 R2020a 起) |
Pipe (IL) | Rigid conduit for fluid flow in isothermal liquid systems (自 R2020a 起) |
Reservoir (IL) | Isothermal liquid reservoir at constant or time-varying pressure (自 R2020a 起) |
Rotational Mechanical Converter (IL) | Interface between isothermal liquid and mechanical rotational networks (自 R2020a 起) |
Translational Mechanical Converter (IL) | Interface between isothermal liquid and mechanical translational networks (自 R2020a 起) |
- Modeling Isothermal Liquid Systems
Steps and guidelines for isothermal liquid modeling.
- Isothermal Liquid Modeling Options
Common equations for various isothermal liquid models.