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Register Servo Read Add-On
To register your add-on library, add the working folder that contains
to the MATLAB® path:
addpath L:\Work
Run the command listArduinoLibraries
, and make sure the
library is available.
ans = 11×1 cell array {'Adafruit/MotorShieldV2' } {'Adafruit/Si5351' } {'HelperAddons/hArduinoSDKAPI' } {'HelperAddons/hArduinoStringClass'} {'I2C' } {'RotaryEncoder' } {'SPI' } {'Servo' } {'ServoRead/ServoRead' } {'ShiftRegister' } {'Ultrasonic' }
If you do not see your add-on library in the list, see Custom Arduino Library Issues.
In the next section, you will Step 4: Specify the Behavior of the Servo Read Device Driver Block.