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管理组件测试数据,在 SIL 或 PIL 仿真中执行测试套件,配置 Model Verification 模块,生成选项文件以进行 Polyspace® 分析

在模型中分析和仿真引用模型、子系统或原子子图。将子系统或引用模型提取到框架模型中,从而将其隔离以进行测试。根据您为模块指派的设定,在仿真期间监视模型中的时域信号。构造信号验证,并根据仿真输入组有选择地应用它们。生成并打包选项文件。该选项文件可用于使用 Polyspace 分析从 Simulink® 模型生成的代码。当生成代码的 Polyspace 分析与 Simulink 分开执行时,打包的选项文件非常有用。例如,在分布式工作流中,Polyspace 分析可能在没有 Simulink 的环境中执行。通过使用打包的选项文件,生成代码特定于模型的上下文会得到保留。


Check Discrete GradientCheck that absolute value of difference between successive samples of discrete signal is less than specified value
Check Dynamic GapCheck that gap of possibly varying width occurs in range of signal's amplitudes
Check Dynamic Lower BoundCheck that one signal is always less than another signal
Check Dynamic RangeCheck that signal falls inside range of amplitudes that varies from time step to time step
Check Dynamic Upper BoundCheck that one signal is always greater than another signal
Check Input ResolutionCheck that input signal has specified resolution
Check Static GapCheck that gap exists in signal's range of amplitudes
Check Static Lower BoundCheck that signal is greater than (or optionally equal to) static lower bound
Check Static RangeCheck that signal falls inside fixed range of amplitudes
Check Static Upper BoundCheck that signal is less than (or optionally equal to) static upper bound


polyspacePackNGoGenerate and package options files to run Polyspace analysis on code generated from Simulink model (自 R2020b 起)
polyspaceArtifactGenerate artifacts to run Polyspace analysis on code generated from Simulink model (自 R2024a 起)
pslinkoptionsCreate an options object to customize configuration of a Simulink model, generated code or a S-Function block. Use the object to specify configuration options for these Simulink objects in a Polyspace run from the MATLAB command line
