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Programmatically Run Tasks

With the support package CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check, you can run the tasks in your development and verification process by using the Process Advisor app on your local desktop or the Process Advisor function runprocess. Both of these approaches invoke the same incremental build system so that you can have consistent task execution across different environments like local desktop machines and continuous integration (CI) agents. The build system is software that can create the pipeline of tasks, efficiently execute tasks in the pipeline, and perform other actions related to the pipeline.

This example shows how you can run tasks and generate a build report for a project programmatically by using the runprocess function with other supporting functions. You can call these commands on your local desktop and from CI agents. For information on running tasks with Process Advisor, see Process Advisor.

Run Pipeline of Tasks

You can run tasks programmatically by using the runprocess function.

Run All Tasks

By default, if you use the runprocess function without specifying any name-value arguments, runprocess(), the function runs each of the tasks associated with the current project and process model. This behavior is equivalent to clicking the Run All button in the Process Advisor app.

To run each of the tasks associated with the current project and process, enter:


Run Specific Task

However, you often only want to run certain tasks or only run certain tasks on certain artifacts.

To only run a specific set of tasks, provide the task names to the Tasks argument. For example:

% run the Generate Simulink Web View task
% and the Check Modeling Standards tasks
Tasks = ["padv.builtin.task.GenerateSimulinkWebView",...

Run Task Iterations for Specific Artifact

To only run the task iterations associated with a specific artifact, use the FilterArtifact argument. For example, to run tasks for the AHRS_Voter model, you can specify the value as the relative path to the model:

% run only the AHRS_Voter tasks
FilterArtifact = fullfile(...

For more information, see the function runprocess.

View Available Tasks Iterations

To return a list of the available task iterations in your current process, you can use the generateProcessTasks function.


You can include or exclude certain task iterations by using the name-value arguments of generateProcessTasks. For example, to list the task iterations associated with a specific model, you can specify the relative path to the model using a padv.Artifact object and pass that object to the FilterArtifact argument for generateProcessTasks.

% specify the relative path to the model AHRS_Voter
model = padv.Artifact("sl_model_file",...

% find the tasks associated with the model AHRS_Voter
ahrsVoterTasks = generateProcessTasks(FilterArtifact=model)

Generate Build Report

You can generate a report that summarizes the build results for the tasks that you run in your pipeline.

The report includes a:

  • Summary of task statuses

  • Summary of task results

  • Details about the task configuration and execution

Generate Report After Running Process

To automatically generate a report after you run your process, specify the GenerateReport argument of the runprocess function as true:

runprocess(GenerateReport = true)
By default, the report generates as a PDF file in the current working directory. You can use the ReportFormat and ReportPath arguments to specify a different report format and a different report name or full file path:
runprocess(GenerateReport = true,...
ReportFormat = "html-file",...
ReportPath = fullfile(pwd,"folderName","reportName"))

Generate Report from Recent Task Results

After you run the tasks in your pipeline, you can also generate a report using the most recent task results.

After you run a task, create a padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator report object.

rptObj = padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator;

Run generateReport on the report object to generate a build report in the current directory.


By default, the report generator generates a PDF. To generate an HTML report, specify the Format of the ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator object as html-file.


If you run the tasks in the default process model, the report provides an overview common development and verification activities like the:

  • Model Advisor analysis, including the number of passing, warning, and failing checks

  • Test results, organized by iteration

  • Generated code files

  • Coding standards checks

For information on how to get started with the default process model, see Modify Default Process Model to Fit Your Process.

See Also

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