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Specify Settings for Process Advisor and Build System

With the CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check support package, you can run the tasks in your development and verification process by using Process Advisor and its incremental build system. There are several settings that you can use to customize how the Process Advisor app and runprocess function run tasks, cache information, and log results. For example, you can use settings to use incremental builds, enable model caching, and customize other behaviors.

You can access and change settings by clicking the Settings button in the Process Advisor toolstrip and selecting or clearing the check boxes for individual settings.

Settings button in Process Advisor toolstrip

There are two types of settings:

  • Project Settings — These settings are stored in the project and are shared with everyone using this project.

  • User Settings — These settings only apply to the current user.

Project Settings

These settings are stored in the project and are shared with everyone using this project. For additional settings and information, see padv.ProjectSettings.

Incremental build

Select this setting to allow the build system to automatically detect changes and mark task results as outdated.

By default, the build system and the Process Advisor app perform incremental builds. Incremental builds can help you reduce the number of task iterations that you need to re-run by identifying and running only the task iterations with outdated results. If the task iteration results are up-to-date, the build system and the Process Advisor app skip the task iteration.

When incremental builds are enabled, the task status icons in the Tasks column indicate whether the task results are up-to-date or outdated. Up-to-date task results have task status icons that are green for tasks that pass and red for tasks that fail or generate errors. Outdated task results have task status icons that are gray.

Process Advisor app with Incremental Build selected

Default: On

Enable model caching

Select this setting to allow the build system to cache models during builds.

Default: Off

Suppress outputs to command window

Select this setting to suppress the build log and task execution messages in the MATLAB® Command Window. This setting only applies when MATLAB is in interactive mode, not batch mode.

Default: Off

Show file extensions

Select this setting to show file extensions for all task iteration artifacts in the Tasks column in Process Advisor.

To keep file extensions in the results for a specific query, you can specify the query property ShowFileExtension as true. For information, see padv.Query.

Default: Off

Untracked dependency behavior

Build system behavior when there are untracked I/O files, specified as either:

  • Allow — Do not generate warnings or errors for untracked I/O files.

  • Warn — Generate a warning if a task has untracked I/O files.

  • Error — Generate an error if a task has untracked I/O files.

If you make a change to an untracked file, Process Advisor and the build system do not mark the task as outdated. For considerations and best practices, see Review Untracked Dependencies.

Default: Warn

User Settings

These settings only apply to the current user. For additional settings and information, see padv.UserSettings.

Detect duplicate outputs

Select this setting to allow the build system to generate an error message when multiple tasks attempt to write to the same output file.

Default: On

Garbage collect task outputs

Select this setting to allow the build system to automatically clean task results for tasks and artifacts that do not match the current process model or project.

Default: On

Show detailed error messages

Select this setting to allow the build system to show more information in error messages. By default, error messages from the build system are not verbose.

Default: Off

Add process model as dependency

Select this setting to add the process model file as a dependency.

By default, if you make a change to the process model file, the build system marks each task status and task result as outdated because the tasks in the updated process model might not match the tasks that generated the task results from the previous version of the process model.

If you do not want changes to the process model to make task statuses and task results outdated, clear this setting.

Default: On

See Also

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