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Class: slmetric.metric.ResultDetail
Namespace: slmetric.metric

(To be removed) Obtain the identifier for a group of slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects

The Metrics Dashboard user interface, metricdashboard function, slmetric package API, and corresponding customizations will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Migrating from Metrics Dashboard to Model Maintainability Dashboard.


Obtain the identifier for a group of slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects. Calling the execute method collects metric data. Calling getMetrics accesses the slmetric.metric.Result objects, which include the slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects. Apply the getGroupIdentifier method to the slmetric.metric.ResultDetail object.

groupIdentifier = getGroupIdentifier(mrd) obtains the group identifier for the slmetric.metric.ResultDetail object mrd.


Input Arguments

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Calling the slmetric.Engine.execute method creates the slmetric.metric.Result objects, which include the slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects.

Output Arguments

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Identifier for a group of slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects.


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Use the getGroupName and getGroupIdentfier methods to obtain the name and identifier for a group of clones.

Open the example model ex_clone_detection.slx and save the model to your current working folder.


Call the execute method. Apply the getMetrics method for the mathworks.metric.CloneDetection metric.

metric_engine = slmetric.Engine();
rc = getMetrics(metric_engine,'mathworks.metrics.CloneDetection');

For each slmetric.metric.Result object, display the ComponentPath. For each slmetric.metric.ResultDetail object, display the clone group name and identifier.

for n=1:length(rc.Results)
    if rc.Results(n).Value > 0
	for m=1:length(rc.Results(n).Details)
	  disp(['ComponentPath: ',rc.Results(n).ComponentPath]);
          disp(['Group Name: ',rc.Results(n).Details(m).getGroupName]);
          disp(['Group Identifier: ',rc.Results(n).Details(m).getGroupIdentifier]);
        disp(['No results for ComponentPath: ',rc.Results(n).ComponentPath]);
    disp(' ');

The results show that the model contains one clone group, CloneGroup1, which contains two clones.

Close the model.


Use the setGroup method to group detailed results. When you create a custom model metric, you apply this method as part of the algorithm method.

Open the sldemo_mdlref_dsm model.


Using the createNewMetricClass function, create a new metric class named DataStoreCount. This metric counts the number of Data Store Read and Data Store Write blocks and groups them together by the corresponding Data Store Memory block. The createNewMetricClass function creates a file, DataStoreCount.m in the current working folder. The file contains a constructor and empty metric algorithm method. For this example, make sure that you are working in a writable folder.

className = 'DataStoreCount';

To write the metric algorithm, open the DataStoreCount.m file and add the metric to the file. For this example, you can create the metric algorithm by copying this logic into the DataStoreCount.m file.

classdef DataStoreCount < slmetric.metric.Metric
    % Count the number of Data Store Read and Data Store Write
    % blocks and correlate them across components.
        function this = DataStoreCount()
            this.ID = 'DataStoreCount';
            this.ComponentScope = [Advisor.component.Types.Model, ...
            this.AggregationMode = slmetric.AggregationMode.Sum;
            this.CompileContext = 'None';
            this.Version = 1;
            this.SupportsResultDetails = true;
            %Textual information on the metric algorithm
            this.Name = 'Data store usage';
            this.Description = 'Metric that counts the number of Data Store Read and Write'; 
                  'blocks and groups them by the corresponding Data Store Memory block.';
        function res = algorithm(this, component)
            % Use find_system to get all blocks inside this component.
            dswBlocks = find_system(getPath(component), ...
                'SearchDepth', 1, ...
                'BlockType', 'DataStoreWrite');
            dsrBlocks = find_system(getPath(component), ...
                'SearchDepth', 1, ...
                'BlockType', 'DataStoreRead');          
            % Create a ResultDetail object for each data store read and write block.
			% Group ResultDetails by the data store name.
            details1 = slmetric.metric.ResultDetail.empty();
            for i=1:length(dswBlocks)
                details1(i) = slmetric.metric.ResultDetail(getfullname(dswBlocks{i}),...
                            get_param(dswBlocks{i}, 'Name'));
		   groupID = get_param(dswBlocks{i},'DataStoreName');
		   groupName = get_param(dswBlocks{i},'DataStoreName');
                details1(i).setGroup(groupID, groupName);                
                details1(i).Value = 1;
            details2 = slmetric.metric.ResultDetail.empty();
            for i=1:length(dsrBlocks)
                details2(i) = slmetric.metric.ResultDetail(getfullname(dsrBlocks{i}),...
                   get_param(dsrBlocks{i}, 'Name'));
                groupID = get_param(dsrBlocks{i},'DataStoreName');
				groupName = get_param(dsrBlocks{i},'DataStoreName');
                details2(i).setGroup(groupID, groupName);
                details2(i).Value = 1;
            res = slmetric.metric.Result();
            res.ComponentID = component.ID;
            res.MetricID = this.ID;
            res.Value = length(dswBlocks)+ length(dsrBlocks);
            res.Details = [details1 details2];

In the DataStoreCount metric class, the SupportsResultDetail method is set to true. The metric algorithm contains the logic for the setGroup method.

Now that your new model metric is defined in DataStoreCount.m, register the new metric in the metric repository.

[id_metric,err_msg] = slmetric.metric.registerMetric(className);

To collect metric data on models, use instances of slmetric.Engine. Using the getMetrics method, specify the metric that you want to collect. For this example, specify the data store count metric for the sldemo_mdlref_dsm model.

Create a metric engine object and set the analysis root.

metric_engine = slmetric.Engine();

Collect metric data for the Data Store count metric.

rc=getMetrics(metric_engine, id_metric);

For each slmetric.metric.Result object, display the ComponentPath. For each slmetric.metric.ResultDetails object, display the Data Store group name and identifier.

for n=1:length(rc.Results)
    if rc.Results(n).Value > 0
	for m=1:length(rc.Results(n).Details)
	  disp(['ComponentPath: ',rc.Results(n).ComponentPath]);
          disp(['Group Name: ',rc.Results(n).Details(m).getGroupName]);
          disp(['Group Identifier: ',rc.Results(n).Details(m).getGroupIdentifier]);
        disp(['No results for ComponentPath: ',rc.Results(n).ComponentPath]);
    disp(' ');

Here are the results.

ComponentPath: sldemo_mdlref_dsm
Group Name: ErrorCond
Group Identifier: ErrorCond
No results for ComponentPath: sldemo_mdlref_dsm/More Info1
ComponentPath: sldemo_mdlref_dsm_bot
Group Name: RefSignalVal
Group Identifier: RefSignalVal
ComponentPath: sldemo_mdlref_dsm_bot2
Group Name: ErrorCond
Group Identifier: ErrorCond
ComponentPath: sldemo_mdlref_dsm_bot/PositiveSS
Group Name: RefSignalVal
Group Identifier: RefSignalVal
ComponentPath: sldemo_mdlref_dsm_bot/NegativeSS
Group Name: RefSignalVal
Group Identifier: RefSignalVal

For this example, unregister the data store count metric.


Close the model.


Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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R2022a: Metrics Dashboard will be removed

The Metrics Dashboard user interface, metricdashboard function, slmetric package API, and corresponding customizations will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Migrating from Metrics Dashboard to Model Maintainability Dashboard.