Parameter Configuration for Variant Blocks
Parameters can be used to select variants in the model by using variant blocks such as Variant Subsystem, Variant Source and Variant Sinks.
Design Verifier™ supports only active variant for blocks the where Variant
activation time parameter is not set to startup
. For
blocks where Variant activation time is startup
Simulink Design Verifier analyzes all variants when you select Analyze all
Startup Variants under Design Verifier > Parameters and Variants in Configuration Parameters dialog box.
To analyze a model that contains variant constraints, open the Launch Variant Manager. Use the Variant Manager to run predefined configurations for a model, and use the model under any of the configurations. The Simulink Design Verifier analysis report includes the results information about the variants block.
Design Verifier does not support block replacement in models that contain model reference
with startup
To perform the Simulink
Design Verifier analysis on variant blocks with Variant activation
time set to startup
, see Verify and Validate Variant Models with Startup Activation Time.
See Also
Parameter Configuration for Analysis