Automated Regression Model Selection with Bayesian and ASHA Optimization
This example shows how to use the fitrauto
function to automatically try a selection of regression model types with different hyperparameter values, given training predictor and response data. By default, the function uses Bayesian optimization to select and assess models. If your training data set contains many observations, you can use an asynchronous successive halving algorithm (ASHA) instead. After the optimization is complete, fitrauto
returns the model, trained on the entire data set, that is expected to best predict the responses for new data. Check the model performance on test data.
Prepare Data
Load the sample data set NYCHousing2015
, which includes 10 variables with information on the sales of properties in New York City in 2015. This example uses some of these variables to analyze the sale prices.
load NYCHousing2015
Instead of loading the sample data set NYCHousing2015
, you can download the data from the NYC Open Data website and import the data as follows.
folder = 'Annualized_Rolling_Sales_Update'; ds = spreadsheetDatastore(folder,"TextType","string","NumHeaderLines",4); ds.Files = ds.Files(contains(ds.Files,"2015")); ds.SelectedVariableNames = ["BOROUGH","NEIGHBORHOOD","BUILDINGCLASSCATEGORY","RESIDENTIALUNITS", ... "COMMERCIALUNITS","LANDSQUAREFEET","GROSSSQUAREFEET","YEARBUILT","SALEPRICE","SALEDATE"]; NYCHousing2015 = readall(ds);
Preprocess the data set to choose the predictor variables of interest. Some of the preprocessing steps match those in the example Train Linear Regression Model.
First, change the variable names to lowercase for readability.
NYCHousing2015.Properties.VariableNames = lower(NYCHousing2015.Properties.VariableNames);
Next, remove samples with certain problematic values. For example, retain only those samples where at least one of the area measurements grosssquarefeet
or landsquarefeet
is nonzero. Assume that a saleprice
of $0 indicates an ownership transfer without a cash consideration, and remove the samples with that saleprice
value. Assume that a yearbuilt
value of 1500 or less is a typo, and remove the corresponding samples.
NYCHousing2015(NYCHousing2015.grosssquarefeet == 0 & NYCHousing2015.landsquarefeet == 0,:) = []; NYCHousing2015(NYCHousing2015.saleprice == 0,:) = []; NYCHousing2015(NYCHousing2015.yearbuilt <= 1500,:) = [];
Convert the saledate
variable, specified as a datetime
array, into two numeric columns MM
(month) and DD
(day), and remove the saledate
variable. Ignore the year values because all samples are for the year 2015.
[~,NYCHousing2015.MM,NYCHousing2015.DD] = ymd(NYCHousing2015.saledate); NYCHousing2015.saledate = [];
The numeric values in the borough
variable indicate the names of the boroughs. Change the variable to a categorical variable using the names.
NYCHousing2015.borough = categorical(NYCHousing2015.borough,1:5, ... ["Manhattan","Bronx","Brooklyn","Queens","Staten Island"]);
The neighborhood
variable has 254 categories. Remove this variable for simplicity.
NYCHousing2015.neighborhood = [];
Convert the buildingclasscategory
variable to a categorical variable, and explore the variable by using the wordcloud
NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory = categorical(NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory); wordcloud(NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory);
Assume that you are interested only in one-, two-, and three-family dwellings. Find the sample indices for these dwellings and delete the other samples. Then, change the buildingclasscategory
variable to an ordinal categorical variable, with integer-valued category names.
idx = ismember(string(NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory), ... ["01 ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS","02 TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS","03 THREE FAMILY DWELLINGS"]); NYCHousing2015 = NYCHousing2015(idx,:); NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory = categorical(NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory, ... ["01 ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS","02 TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS","03 THREE FAMILY DWELLINGS"], ... ["1","2","3"],'Ordinal',true);
The buildingclasscategory
variable now indicates the number of families in one dwelling.
Explore the response variable saleprice
by using the summary
s = summary(NYCHousing2015); s.saleprice
ans = struct with fields:
Size: [24972 1]
Type: 'double'
Description: ''
Units: ''
Continuity: []
Min: 1
Median: 515000
Max: 37000000
NumMissing: 0
Create a histogram of the saleprice
Because the distribution of saleprice
values is right-skewed, with all values greater than 0, log transform the saleprice
NYCHousing2015.saleprice = log(NYCHousing2015.saleprice);
Similarly, transform the grosssquarefeet
and landsquarefeet
variables. Add a value of 1 before taking the logarithm of each variable, in case the variable is equal to 0.
NYCHousing2015.grosssquarefeet = log(1 + NYCHousing2015.grosssquarefeet); NYCHousing2015.landsquarefeet = log(1 + NYCHousing2015.landsquarefeet);
Partition Data and Remove Outliers
Partition the data set into a training set and a test set by using cvpartition
. Use approximately 80% of the observations for the model selection and hyperparameter tuning process, and the other 20% to test the performance of the final model returned by fitrauto
rng("default") % For reproducibility of the partition c = cvpartition(length(NYCHousing2015.saleprice),"Holdout",0.2); trainData = NYCHousing2015(training(c),:); testData = NYCHousing2015(test(c),:);
Identify and remove the outliers of saleprice
, grosssquarefeet
, and landsquarefeet
from the training data by using the isoutlier
[priceIdx,priceL,priceU] = isoutlier(trainData.saleprice); trainData(priceIdx,:) = []; [grossIdx,grossL,grossU] = isoutlier(trainData.grosssquarefeet); trainData(grossIdx,:) = []; [landIdx,landL,landU] = isoutlier(trainData.landsquarefeet); trainData(landIdx,:) = [];
Remove the outliers of saleprice
, grosssquarefeet
, and landsquarefeet
from the test data by using the same lower and upper thresholds computed on the training data.
testData(testData.saleprice < priceL | testData.saleprice > priceU,:) = []; testData(testData.grosssquarefeet < grossL | testData.grosssquarefeet > grossU,:) = []; testData(testData.landsquarefeet < landL | testData.landsquarefeet > landU,:) = [];
Use Automated Model Selection with Bayesian Optimization
Find an appropriate regression model for the data in trainData
by using fitrauto
. By default, fitrauto
uses Bayesian optimization to select models and their hyperparameter values, and computes the value for each model, where valLoss is the cross-validation mean squared error (MSE). fitrauto
provides a plot of the optimization and an iterative display of the optimization results. For more information on how to interpret these results, see Verbose Display.
Specify to run the Bayesian optimization in parallel, which requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™. Due to the nonreproducibility of parallel timing, parallel Bayesian optimization does not necessarily yield reproducible results. Because of the complexity of the optimization, this process can take some time, especially for larger data sets.
bayesianOptions = struct("UseParallel",true); [bayesianMdl,bayesianResults] = fitrauto(trainData,"saleprice", ... "HyperparameterOptimizationOptions",bayesianOptions);
Warning: Data set has more than 10000 observations. Because ASHA optimization often finds good solutions faster than Bayesian optimization for data sets with many observations, try specifying the 'Optimizer' field value as 'asha' in the 'HyperparameterOptimizationOptions' value structure.
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'Processes' profile ... Connected to parallel pool with 6 workers. Copying objective function to workers... Done copying objective function to workers. Learner types to explore: ensemble, svm, tree Total iterations (MaxObjectiveEvaluations): 90 Total time (MaxTime): Inf |==========================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Estimated min | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss | | | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | 1 | 6 | Best | 0.25922 | 6.2857 | 0.25922 | 0.25922 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0055914 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0056086 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 17.88 | | 2 | 6 | Best | 0.19314 | 38.13 | 0.19314 | 0.19658 | svm | BoxConstraint: 529.96 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 813.67 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0014318 | | 3 | 6 | Accept | 0.19652 | 40.944 | 0.19314 | 0.19652 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 232 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 4 | 6 | Best | 0.18796 | 1.9986 | 0.18796 | 0.18796 | tree | MinLeafSize: 43 | | 5 | 6 | Accept | 0.19634 | 45.853 | 0.18796 | 0.18796 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 271 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 53 | | 6 | 6 | Best | 0.18761 | 39.413 | 0.18761 | 0.18761 | svm | BoxConstraint: 23.501 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 37.99 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0072166 | | 7 | 6 | Accept | 0.29931 | 20.977 | 0.18761 | 0.18761 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2 | | 8 | 6 | Accept | 0.202 | 34.705 | 0.18761 | 0.18761 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 246 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1114 | | 9 | 6 | Best | 0.18737 | 55.486 | 0.18737 | 0.18761 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 297 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 3220 | | 10 | 6 | Accept | 0.19582 | 32.49 | 0.18737 | 0.18741 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 247 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 4243 | | 11 | 6 | Accept | 0.29931 | 20.54 | 0.18737 | 0.18741 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2 | | 12 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 1.9202 | 0.18737 | 0.18741 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.31228 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 73.3 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 2.1891 | | 13 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 1.6937 | 0.18737 | 0.18741 | svm | BoxConstraint: 107.75 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 414.93 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 27.903 | | 14 | 6 | Best | 0.17764 | 156.66 | 0.17764 | 0.17768 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 275 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 15 | 6 | Accept | 0.18795 | 1.1238 | 0.17764 | 0.17768 | tree | MinLeafSize: 219 | | 16 | 6 | Best | 0.17762 | 161.46 | 0.17762 | 0.17765 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 299 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 161 | | 17 | 6 | Accept | 0.19855 | 1 | 0.17762 | 0.17765 | tree | MinLeafSize: 895 | | 18 | 6 | Accept | 0.19644 | 33.735 | 0.17762 | 0.17765 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 208 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 210 | | 19 | 6 | Accept | 0.18966 | 37.57 | 0.17762 | 0.17765 | svm | BoxConstraint: 18.072 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 48.632 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.014558 | | 20 | 6 | Accept | 0.18558 | 0.76697 | 0.17762 | 0.17765 | tree | MinLeafSize: 81 | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Estimated min | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss | | | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | 21 | 6 | Accept | 0.21098 | 1.3316 | 0.17762 | 0.17765 | tree | MinLeafSize: 12 | | 22 | 6 | Accept | 0.23354 | 36.341 | 0.17762 | 0.17765 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0045714 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 31.869 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0072361 | | 23 | 6 | Best | 0.17748 | 120.76 | 0.17748 | 0.17804 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 227 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 161 | | 24 | 6 | Accept | 0.27791 | 8.3041 | 0.17748 | 0.17804 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3 | | 25 | 6 | Accept | 0.20705 | 0.2638 | 0.17748 | 0.17804 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1381 | | 26 | 6 | Accept | 0.1853 | 50.557 | 0.17748 | 0.17806 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 218 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 2260 | | 27 | 6 | Accept | 0.25951 | 4.7144 | 0.17748 | 0.17806 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 28 | 6 | Accept | 0.21851 | 23.951 | 0.17748 | 0.17842 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 239 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 2731 | | 29 | 6 | Best | 0.17744 | 108.21 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 209 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 12 | | 30 | 6 | Accept | 0.18572 | 93.637 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | svm | BoxConstraint: 169.91 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 27.071 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0098403 | | 31 | 6 | Accept | 0.23155 | 1.8938 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 32 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 1.673 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | svm | BoxConstraint: 404.64 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 3.2648 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.9718 | | 33 | 6 | Accept | 0.29931 | 17.896 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2 | | 34 | 6 | Accept | 0.23949 | 2.2754 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | tree | MinLeafSize: 6 | | 35 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 1.6811 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | svm | BoxConstraint: 1.3089 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.051591 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 10.5 | | 36 | 6 | Accept | 0.19423 | 28.765 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | svm | BoxConstraint: 111.04 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 660.47 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.011798 | | 37 | 6 | Accept | 0.19293 | 0.34422 | 0.17744 | 0.1772 | tree | MinLeafSize: 421 | | 38 | 6 | Accept | 0.178 | 80.632 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 200 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 530 | | 39 | 6 | Accept | 0.21113 | 0.26389 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2018 | | 40 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 0.079127 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 9068 | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Estimated min | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss | | | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | 41 | 6 | Accept | 0.18554 | 0.51767 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 107 | | 42 | 6 | Accept | 0.18555 | 0.53657 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 90 | | 43 | 6 | Accept | 0.18613 | 0.54 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 120 | | 44 | 6 | Accept | 0.18636 | 0.50797 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 67 | | 45 | 6 | Accept | 0.186 | 0.49626 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 119 | | 46 | 6 | Accept | 0.18566 | 0.56792 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 75 | | 47 | 6 | Accept | 0.18516 | 0.49218 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 85 | | 48 | 6 | Accept | 0.18613 | 0.50745 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 120 | | 49 | 6 | Accept | 0.18597 | 0.53279 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 73 | | 50 | 6 | Accept | 0.19384 | 0.75739 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 26 | | 51 | 6 | Accept | 0.22647 | 0.16018 | 0.17744 | 0.17728 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4214 | | 52 | 6 | Accept | 0.24354 | 16.868 | 0.17744 | 0.17741 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 213 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 5333 | | 53 | 6 | Accept | 0.1874 | 0.54513 | 0.17744 | 0.17741 | tree | MinLeafSize: 164 | | 54 | 6 | Best | 0.17736 | 119.47 | 0.17736 | 0.17741 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 254 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 330 | | 55 | 6 | Accept | 0.18978 | 0.42057 | 0.17736 | 0.17741 | tree | MinLeafSize: 289 | | 56 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 2.0556 | 0.17736 | 0.17741 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.093209 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 416.84 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 47.572 | | 57 | 6 | Accept | 0.18703 | 0.65344 | 0.17736 | 0.17741 | tree | MinLeafSize: 55 | | 58 | 6 | Accept | 0.1776 | 102.98 | 0.17736 | 0.17746 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 200 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 59 | 6 | Accept | 0.1776 | 103.17 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 201 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 60 | 6 | Accept | 0.20326 | 41.575 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 330 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1205 | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Estimated min | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss | | | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | 61 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 2.6973 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0037301 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.030368 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 7.7463 | | 62 | 6 | Accept | 0.33688 | 57.891 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 63 | 6 | Accept | 0.1854 | 0.49429 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 92 | | 64 | 6 | Accept | 0.1854 | 0.48028 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 92 | | 65 | 6 | Accept | 0.18534 | 0.498 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 91 | | 66 | 6 | Accept | 0.18523 | 0.50116 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 98 | | 67 | 6 | Accept | 0.19488 | 0.32729 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 594 | | 68 | 6 | Accept | 0.18719 | 0.51344 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 151 | | 69 | 6 | Accept | 0.18521 | 0.46106 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 97 | | 70 | 6 | Accept | 0.18994 | 0.64877 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 37 | | 71 | 6 | Accept | 0.18539 | 0.49978 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 94 | | 72 | 6 | Accept | 0.18516 | 0.51504 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 85 | | 73 | 6 | Accept | 0.18621 | 0.55018 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 61 | | 74 | 6 | Accept | 0.18521 | 0.50246 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 97 | | 75 | 6 | Accept | 0.18529 | 0.5302 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 83 | | 76 | 6 | Accept | 0.18523 | 0.48346 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 98 | | 77 | 6 | Accept | 0.18516 | 0.51575 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 84 | | 78 | 6 | Accept | 0.18521 | 0.49904 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 97 | | 79 | 6 | Accept | 0.18518 | 0.53828 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 86 | | 80 | 6 | Accept | 0.18521 | 0.51996 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 97 | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Estimated min | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss | | | |==========================================================================================================================================================| | 81 | 6 | Accept | 0.18516 | 0.5163 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 84 | | 82 | 6 | Accept | 0.18545 | 0.51286 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 96 | | 83 | 6 | Accept | 0.18529 | 0.52428 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 82 | | 84 | 6 | Accept | 0.18534 | 0.50201 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 91 | | 85 | 6 | Accept | 0.18521 | 0.53773 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 97 | | 86 | 6 | Accept | 0.18516 | 0.52911 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 85 | | 87 | 6 | Accept | 0.18555 | 0.49957 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 90 | | 88 | 6 | Accept | 0.18519 | 0.51559 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 100 | | 89 | 6 | Accept | 0.18518 | 0.50232 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 87 | | 90 | 6 | Accept | 0.18523 | 0.505 | 0.17736 | 0.17735 | tree | MinLeafSize: 98 |
__________________________________________________________ Optimization completed. Total iterations: 90 Total elapsed time: 571.3359 seconds Total time for training and validation: 1784.4961 seconds Best observed learner is an ensemble model with: Learner: ensemble Method: LSBoost NumLearningCycles: 254 MinLeafSize: 330 Observed log(1 + valLoss): 0.17736 Time for training and validation: 119.4679 seconds Best estimated learner (returned model) is an ensemble model with: Learner: ensemble Method: LSBoost NumLearningCycles: 254 MinLeafSize: 330 Estimated log(1 + valLoss): 0.17735 Estimated time for training and validation: 119.5561 seconds Documentation for fitrauto display
The Total elapsed time
value shows that the Bayesian optimization took a while to run (about 10 minutes).
The final model returned by fitrauto
corresponds to the best estimated learner. Before returning the model, the function retrains it using the entire training data set (trainData
), the listed Learner
(or model) type, and the displayed hyperparameter values.
Use Automated Model Selection with ASHA Optimization
When fitrauto
with Bayesian optimization takes a long time to run because of the number of observations in your training set, consider using fitrauto
with ASHA optimization instead. Given that trainData
contains over 10,000 observations, try using fitrauto
with ASHA optimization to automatically find an appropriate regression model. When you use fitrauto
with ASHA optimization, the function randomly chooses several models with different hyperparameter values and trains them on a small subset of the training data. If the value for a particular model is promising, where valLoss is the cross-validation MSE, the model is promoted and trained on a larger amount of the training data. This process repeats, and successful models are trained on progressively larger amounts of data. By default, fitrauto
provides a plot of the optimization and an iterative display of the optimization results. For more information on how to interpret these results, see Verbose Display.
Specify to run the ASHA optimization in parallel. Note that ASHA optimization often has more iterations than Bayesian optimization by default. If you have a time constraint, you can specify the MaxTime
field of the HyperparameterOptimizationOptions
structure to limit the number of seconds fitrauto
ashaOptions = struct("Optimizer","asha","UseParallel",true); [ashaMdl,ashaResults] = fitrauto(trainData,"saleprice", ... "HyperparameterOptimizationOptions",ashaOptions);
Copying objective function to workers...
Warning: Files that have already been attached are being ignored. To see which files are attached see the 'AttachedFiles' property of the parallel pool.
Done copying objective function to workers. Learner types to explore: ensemble, svm, tree Total iterations (MaxObjectiveEvaluations): 340 Total time (MaxTime): Inf |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 1 | 5 | Best | 0.25924 | 0.39045 | 0.25924 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 449 | | 2 | 5 | Accept | 0.25934 | 0.31103 | 0.25924 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2530 | | 3 | 5 | Best | 0.25912 | 0.34606 | 0.25912 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 1.3072 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 15.843 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 12.799 | | 4 | 6 | Accept | 1.1239 | 3.8682 | 0.25912 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.031078 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.70461 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.000557 | | 5 | 6 | Accept | 0.25929 | 0.12766 | 0.25912 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 1.3072 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 15.843 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 12.799 | | 6 | 6 | Accept | 0.25925 | 6.0063 | 0.25912 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 252 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 3143 | | 7 | 6 | Accept | 0.25952 | 9.1801 | 0.25912 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 290 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 2969 | | 8 | 6 | Accept | 0.25947 | 5.6197 | 0.25912 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 204 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1349 | | 9 | 6 | Best | 0.20323 | 7.4145 | 0.20323 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 207 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 10 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 5.2324 | 0.20323 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 218 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 2848 | | 11 | 6 | Accept | 0.26174 | 0.13671 | 0.20323 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 511.01 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.002289 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.37187 | | 12 | 6 | Accept | 0.23809 | 6.5597 | 0.20323 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 293.55 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 542.8 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.1488 | | 13 | 6 | Best | 0.19609 | 7.9481 | 0.19609 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 207 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 14 | 6 | Accept | 0.26923 | 0.38435 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 9.0541 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 4.9834 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.023362 | | 15 | 6 | Accept | 0.25935 | 0.2083 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2204 | | 16 | 6 | Accept | 0.23759 | 0.17437 | 0.19609 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 293.55 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 542.8 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.1488 | | 17 | 6 | Accept | 0.25932 | 0.087589 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1521 | | 18 | 6 | Accept | 0.23005 | 0.088929 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 89 | | 19 | 6 | Accept | 0.22935 | 0.25217 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0038969 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 4.0278 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.02414 | | 20 | 6 | Accept | 0.21347 | 0.66203 | 0.19609 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0038969 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 4.0278 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.02414 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 21 | 6 | Accept | 1.1498 | 30.005 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 5.9764 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.15731 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.13472 | | 22 | 6 | Accept | 0.25943 | 0.27203 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.17794 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0016095 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.10435 | | 23 | 6 | Accept | 4.9545 | 31.542 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0054073 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.10302 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.084674 | | 24 | 6 | Accept | 0.20767 | 0.15721 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3 | | 25 | 6 | Accept | 0.20439 | 0.26159 | 0.19609 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3 | | 26 | 6 | Accept | 0.25915 | 0.1048 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 308.98 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 1.5085 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 8.6079 | | 27 | 6 | Accept | 0.26703 | 0.26196 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.020371 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 100.81 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.05477 | | 28 | 6 | Accept | 0.22263 | 0.38075 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 96.951 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 11.176 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.061916 | | 29 | 6 | Accept | 0.25923 | 0.097954 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.80152 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 11.639 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 14.529 | | 30 | 6 | Accept | 0.2061 | 2.1617 | 0.19609 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 96.951 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 11.176 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.061916 | | 31 | 5 | Accept | 0.2594 | 0.12307 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0049835 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.096697 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.8 | | 32 | 5 | Accept | 0.19645 | 12.504 | 0.19609 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 207 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 33 | 6 | Accept | 0.26057 | 0.11147 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 254 | | 34 | 6 | Accept | 0.19634 | 8.2066 | 0.19609 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 232 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 21 | | 35 | 6 | Accept | 4.5202 | 38.259 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0012763 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.020115 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.010552 | | 36 | 6 | Accept | 0.26111 | 0.17637 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 5.2635 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 8.9786 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 15.631 | | 37 | 6 | Accept | 0.59958 | 0.12302 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 2.1875 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0027909 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.5475 | | 38 | 6 | Accept | 0.25949 | 8.105 | 0.19609 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 278 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 4637 | | 39 | 6 | Accept | 0.25919 | 0.10681 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 367 | | 40 | 6 | Accept | 0.19879 | 0.10956 | 0.19609 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 89 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 41 | 6 | Accept | 0.2181 | 7.0304 | 0.19609 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 230 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 47 | | 42 | 6 | Accept | 4.1559 | 38.977 | 0.19609 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 207.78 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.046022 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0010033 | | 43 | 6 | Accept | 0.25932 | 0.21084 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3815 | | 44 | 6 | Accept | 0.20715 | 0.17156 | 0.19609 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 25 | | 45 | 6 | Best | 0.18857 | 0.17109 | 0.18857 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 25 | | 46 | 6 | Best | 0.18559 | 10.538 | 0.18559 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 232 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 21 | | 47 | 6 | Best | 0.18515 | 0.28055 | 0.18515 | 3639 | tree | MinLeafSize: 25 | | 48 | 6 | Accept | 4.4083 | 0.15547 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 159.42 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0025582 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.35672 | | 49 | 6 | Accept | 0.25999 | 0.080345 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 924 | | 50 | 6 | Accept | 0.23664 | 14.625 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 2.9833 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 64.904 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.46657 | | 51 | 6 | Accept | 0.2592 | 0.089563 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 427 | | 52 | 6 | Accept | 0.2542 | 7.341 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 17.138 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 705.47 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0020063 | | 53 | 6 | Accept | 0.23038 | 7.9301 | 0.18515 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 282 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 67 | | 54 | 6 | Accept | 0.20748 | 0.1069 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 33 | | 55 | 6 | Accept | 4.9482 | 31.776 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 2.4584 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.097169 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.77631 | | 56 | 6 | Accept | 0.19914 | 0.11203 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 12 | | 57 | 6 | Accept | 0.19159 | 0.1374 | 0.18515 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 33 | | 58 | 6 | Accept | 0.25921 | 0.090418 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 278 | | 59 | 6 | Accept | 0.25949 | 0.11956 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0036313 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 229.52 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 19.065 | | 60 | 6 | Accept | 0.25933 | 0.08928 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.017434 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 5.5931 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 6.2283 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 61 | 6 | Accept | 0.19301 | 0.23848 | 0.18515 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 12 | | 62 | 6 | Accept | 0.25956 | 0.10927 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 3.3555 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 11.762 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 3.4714 | | 63 | 6 | Accept | 0.19729 | 9.3817 | 0.18515 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 299 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 51 | | 64 | 6 | Accept | 0.19969 | 9.5324 | 0.18515 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 230 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 47 | | 65 | 6 | Accept | 0.25944 | 6.8929 | 0.18515 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 266 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 232 | | 66 | 6 | Accept | 0.25923 | 0.098082 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 268 | | 67 | 6 | Accept | 0.19949 | 8.296 | 0.18515 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 250 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 11 | | 68 | 6 | Accept | 0.29328 | 0.15509 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0021604 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.72568 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.0249 | | 69 | 6 | Accept | 0.25924 | 6.998 | 0.18515 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 248 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 5910 | | 70 | 6 | Accept | 0.25962 | 0.33801 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1001 | | 71 | 6 | Accept | 0.19958 | 8.7508 | 0.18515 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 266 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 2 | | 72 | 6 | Accept | 0.25936 | 0.1205 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.014495 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.031712 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 3.5679 | | 73 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 0.24097 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 2.3012 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 835.74 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0077649 | | 74 | 6 | Accept | 0.18703 | 11.889 | 0.18515 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 299 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 51 | | 75 | 6 | Accept | 0.20816 | 0.10311 | 0.18515 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 43 | | 76 | 6 | Accept | 0.18623 | 10.336 | 0.18515 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 250 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 11 | | 77 | 6 | Accept | 0.26156 | 0.12955 | 0.18515 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0010645 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 6.4809 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 7.9513 | | 78 | 6 | Accept | 0.20273 | 7.7668 | 0.18515 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 224 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 9 | | 79 | 6 | Best | 0.1787 | 23.057 | 0.1787 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 232 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 21 | | 80 | 6 | Accept | 0.26811 | 0.27008 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0032518 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 656.68 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.34053 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 81 | 6 | Accept | 0.22695 | 0.29741 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.39402 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 31.169 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.031802 | | 82 | 6 | Accept | 0.19756 | 11.213 | 0.1787 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 266 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 2 | | 83 | 6 | Accept | 4.0586 | 39.347 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 13.159 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.030173 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.019064 | | 84 | 6 | Accept | 0.21179 | 0.1484 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3 | | 85 | 6 | Accept | 5.3881 | 39.708 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.036205 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.039957 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.00052381 | | 86 | 6 | Accept | 0.79147 | 6.8742 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 425.38 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 4.6541 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.01015 | | 87 | 5 | Accept | 0.22605 | 0.2864 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0080031 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 3.4638 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0098092 | | 88 | 5 | Accept | 0.19337 | 0.14007 | 0.1787 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 43 | | 89 | 6 | Accept | 0.19487 | 8.9817 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 280 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 6 | | 90 | 6 | Accept | 0.1975 | 9.3135 | 0.1787 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 224 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 9 | | 91 | 6 | Accept | 0.25954 | 0.096006 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 6723 | | 92 | 6 | Accept | 0.25928 | 0.089713 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 723 | | 93 | 6 | Accept | 1.7565 | 22.635 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 31.378 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 1.578 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.13664 | | 94 | 6 | Accept | 0.19604 | 9.4771 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 289 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 95 | 6 | Accept | 0.25926 | 5.3677 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 201 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1178 | | 96 | 6 | Accept | 0.20448 | 0.18023 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 97 | 6 | Accept | 0.25921 | 6.9837 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 252 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 146 | | 98 | 6 | Accept | 0.25947 | 0.09563 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 600 | | 99 | 6 | Accept | 0.19444 | 7.1977 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 229 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 100 | 6 | Accept | 0.21648 | 0.15696 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 101 | 6 | Accept | 0.18608 | 11.922 | 0.1787 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 280 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 6 | | 102 | 6 | Accept | 0.18584 | 12.463 | 0.1787 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 289 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 103 | 6 | Accept | 0.21165 | 0.11397 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 53 | | 104 | 6 | Accept | 0.25928 | 0.084474 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 8998 | | 105 | 6 | Accept | 0.25925 | 0.095797 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2272 | | 106 | 6 | Accept | 0.25923 | 0.080193 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 5905 | | 107 | 6 | Accept | 0.19701 | 0.27589 | 0.1787 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 108 | 6 | Accept | 0.20037 | 10.177 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 280 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 109 | 6 | Accept | 0.25958 | 0.10236 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 134 | | 110 | 6 | Accept | 0.25934 | 0.10276 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 74.567 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0015974 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0034784 | | 111 | 6 | Accept | 0.20288 | 0.1018 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 19 | | 112 | 6 | Accept | 0.18487 | 10.591 | 0.1787 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 229 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 113 | 6 | Accept | 0.21404 | 0.15926 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3 | | 114 | 6 | Accept | 0.17898 | 24.396 | 0.1787 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 250 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 11 | | 115 | 6 | Accept | 0.25781 | 7.0975 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.57268 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 144.77 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0035523 | | 116 | 6 | Accept | 4.8979 | 33.111 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 42.319 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.090631 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.10486 | | 117 | 6 | Accept | 0.20353 | 0.11934 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 6 | | 118 | 6 | Accept | 0.19678 | 11.63 | 0.1787 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 280 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 119 | 6 | Accept | 0.18914 | 0.16287 | 0.1787 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 19 | | 120 | 6 | Accept | 0.20292 | 0.15012 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 121 | 6 | Accept | 0.25926 | 0.085338 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1980 | | 122 | 6 | Accept | 0.25924 | 0.088001 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7649 | | 123 | 6 | Accept | 0.20825 | 0.27787 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 20.926 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 46.672 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0093695 | | 124 | 6 | Accept | 0.19916 | 0.24746 | 0.1787 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 125 | 6 | Accept | 0.17911 | 28.029 | 0.1787 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 289 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 126 | 6 | Accept | 4.6514 | 38.346 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0099888 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.032527 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.012744 | | 127 | 6 | Accept | 0.19877 | 8.8632 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 275 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 128 | 6 | Accept | 0.25929 | 0.0835 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4202 | | 129 | 6 | Accept | 0.19996 | 0.11225 | 0.1787 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 12 | | 130 | 6 | Accept | 0.22175 | 7.2107 | 0.1787 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 248 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 49 | | 131 | 6 | Accept | 0.25927 | 0.10101 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 463.19 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0015281 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 3.5963 | | 132 | 6 | Accept | 0.23848 | 0.25945 | 0.1787 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0031649 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 4.8895 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0013612 | | 133 | 6 | Best | 0.17865 | 26.593 | 0.17865 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 229 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 134 | 6 | Accept | 0.26635 | 0.13553 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 242.37 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 76.45 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.5249 | | 135 | 6 | Accept | 0.19013 | 0.17075 | 0.17865 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 12 | | 136 | 6 | Accept | 5.2905 | 33.591 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 14.996 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.10377 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0016871 | | 137 | 6 | Accept | 4.799 | 0.21266 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 21.44 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0076633 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.23505 | | 138 | 6 | Accept | 0.25925 | 0.084649 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 8192 | | 139 | 6 | Accept | 0.25938 | 6.5295 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 230 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 377 | | 140 | 6 | Accept | 0.19391 | 0.23152 | 0.17865 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 6 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 141 | 6 | Accept | 0.20039 | 9.1042 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 262 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 142 | 6 | Accept | 4.3905 | 0.19627 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0090374 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0060556 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.71 | | 143 | 6 | Accept | 0.19648 | 11.545 | 0.17865 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 275 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 144 | 6 | Accept | 0.44845 | 0.51895 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 1.7321 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 2.1647 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.15215 | | 145 | 6 | Accept | 0.20219 | 0.28444 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 220.22 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 40.425 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.030772 | | 146 | 6 | Accept | 0.82646 | 5.6295 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 273.9 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 4.1295 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0024699 | | 147 | 6 | Accept | 3.7322 | 38.403 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0010279 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.017025 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.69262 | | 148 | 6 | Accept | 0.25967 | 0.088793 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.021344 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0012067 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.06872 | | 149 | 6 | Accept | 0.25926 | 5.7485 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 226 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 6821 | | 150 | 6 | Accept | 1.1525 | 3.7652 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.46953 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 1.1723 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.018647 | | 151 | 6 | Accept | 0.20021 | 0.99398 | 0.17865 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 220.22 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 40.425 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.030772 | | 152 | 6 | Accept | 0.20343 | 10.365 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 279 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 153 | 6 | Accept | 0.21077 | 9.0509 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 239 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 26 | | 154 | 6 | Accept | 0.19652 | 11.886 | 0.17865 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 262 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 155 | 6 | Accept | 0.21346 | 0.107 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 40 | | 156 | 6 | Accept | 0.25943 | 6.6607 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 213 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 5729 | | 157 | 6 | Accept | 0.25919 | 0.12216 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 1.3285 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 736.47 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 9.793 | | 158 | 6 | Accept | 0.25921 | 8.1718 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 299 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 263 | | 159 | 6 | Accept | 0.22275 | 0.20173 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 160 | 6 | Accept | 0.19625 | 0.73561 | 0.17865 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 20.926 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 46.672 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0093695 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 161 | 6 | Accept | 0.25939 | 0.098374 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.058482 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0022433 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.1598 | | 162 | 6 | Accept | 0.25928 | 0.088939 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2723 | | 163 | 6 | Accept | 0.19591 | 6.7653 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 209 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 13 | | 164 | 6 | Accept | 0.21206 | 0.20982 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.23746 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 3.6412 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.20189 | | 165 | 6 | Accept | 1.5717 | 12.792 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.1537 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.7338 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0023964 | | 166 | 6 | Accept | 4.6735 | 0.15923 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 4.4526 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0035563 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.46657 | | 167 | 6 | Accept | 0.19707 | 11.491 | 0.17865 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 279 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 168 | 6 | Accept | 0.23619 | 0.39746 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 157.33 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 12.524 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.031316 | | 169 | 6 | Accept | 0.25921 | 0.079397 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 6454 | | 170 | 6 | Accept | 0.25921 | 5.7177 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 210 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 786 | | 171 | 6 | Accept | 0.26015 | 0.11349 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.4392 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 16.376 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 26.02 | | 172 | 6 | Accept | 0.25929 | 6.9015 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 258 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 799 | | 173 | 6 | Accept | 0.26118 | 0.11207 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 1.9516 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.43497 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 9.5343 | | 174 | 6 | Accept | 0.19444 | 0.14242 | 0.17865 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 53 | | 175 | 6 | Accept | 0.18394 | 9.6563 | 0.17865 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 209 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 13 | | 176 | 6 | Accept | 0.25479 | 0.14223 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 225.13 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 123.73 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.3343 | | 177 | 6 | Accept | 0.1795 | 25.509 | 0.17865 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 280 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 6 | | 178 | 6 | Accept | 0.21688 | 0.37729 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 768.25 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 29.702 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0024812 | | 179 | 6 | Accept | 0.26039 | 0.11452 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 4.9484 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 1.0482 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 21.234 | | 180 | 6 | Accept | 0.19701 | 9.8469 | 0.17865 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 239 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 26 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 181 | 6 | Accept | 0.25983 | 5.9307 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 225 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 6419 | | 182 | 6 | Accept | 0.20388 | 0.29265 | 0.17865 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3 | | 183 | 6 | Accept | 0.25921 | 6.2816 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 232 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 159 | | 184 | 6 | Accept | 0.2619 | 0.097129 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0037221 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.37378 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 9.2589 | | 185 | 6 | Accept | 0.25928 | 0.10908 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7591 | | 186 | 6 | Accept | 0.20357 | 0.090146 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 27 | | 187 | 6 | Accept | 0.1893 | 0.15405 | 0.17865 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 27 | | 188 | 6 | Accept | 0.25952 | 5.8543 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 220 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 283 | | 189 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 0.094638 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 735 | | 190 | 6 | Accept | 1.0501 | 9.0791 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0029624 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.4503 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0047908 | | 191 | 6 | Accept | 2.0742 | 24.322 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.31516 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.58016 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0081462 | | 192 | 6 | Accept | 0.25947 | 0.10052 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0077418 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0015665 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 36.814 | | 193 | 6 | Accept | 0.19851 | 0.11387 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 194 | 6 | Accept | 0.26163 | 0.084585 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 112.86 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0021014 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.029344 | | 195 | 6 | Accept | 0.19976 | 0.55087 | 0.17865 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.23746 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 3.6412 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.20189 | | 196 | 6 | Accept | 0.20698 | 0.12351 | 0.17865 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 197 | 6 | Accept | 0.19674 | 0.19255 | 0.17865 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 198 | 6 | Accept | 0.25922 | 0.097554 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 20.918 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 646.59 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 5.3626 | | 199 | 6 | Accept | 4.3697 | 0.16234 | 0.17865 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 283.79 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0039105 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.071105 | | 200 | 6 | Accept | 0.19725 | 8.0734 | 0.17865 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 262 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 10 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 201 | 6 | Accept | 0.17981 | 20.71 | 0.17865 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 209 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 13 | | 202 | 6 | Best | 0.17839 | 31.64 | 0.17839 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 299 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 51 | | 203 | 6 | Accept | 3.0117 | 25.226 | 0.17839 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0010023 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.21324 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.015111 | | 204 | 6 | Best | 0.17747 | 113.95 | 0.17747 | 14556 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 232 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 21 | | 205 | 6 | Accept | 0.20464 | 0.12123 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 38 | | 206 | 6 | Accept | 0.20345 | 0.11611 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 5 | | 207 | 6 | Accept | 0.25958 | 0.084698 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 175 | | 208 | 6 | Accept | 0.25946 | 6.6024 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 259 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 2564 | | 209 | 6 | Accept | 0.19334 | 0.24243 | 0.17747 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 5 | | 210 | 6 | Accept | 0.19562 | 9.0505 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 271 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 211 | 6 | Accept | 0.18447 | 11.522 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 262 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 10 | | 212 | 6 | Accept | 0.25934 | 6.8799 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 265 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 283 | | 213 | 6 | Accept | 0.20264 | 9.0681 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 266 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 9 | | 214 | 6 | Accept | 4.2528 | 19.129 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 82.625 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.049305 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.1354 | | 215 | 6 | Accept | 0.36051 | 22.407 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.24379 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.21574 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.19855 | | 216 | 6 | Accept | 0.19788 | 0.11434 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 217 | 6 | Accept | 4.6436 | 38.78 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0074352 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0083396 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0013205 | | 218 | 6 | Accept | 0.25962 | 0.10879 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2811 | | 219 | 6 | Accept | 0.20341 | 7.1399 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 213 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 220 | 6 | Accept | 0.19174 | 0.31247 | 0.17747 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 221 | 6 | Accept | 4.4187 | 0.18142 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.062005 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0061157 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 1.2716 | | 222 | 6 | Accept | 0.25924 | 0.085414 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1624 | | 223 | 6 | Accept | 0.2593 | 4.8506 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 202 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1594 | | 224 | 6 | Accept | 0.20956 | 7.8639 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 249 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 68 | | 225 | 6 | Accept | 0.25934 | 0.096467 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 963 | | 226 | 6 | Accept | 0.17886 | 25.303 | 0.17747 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 262 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 10 | | 227 | 6 | Accept | 0.25947 | 0.10379 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 1473 | | 228 | 6 | Accept | 0.25918 | 0.13096 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.38183 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.023107 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 10.677 | | 229 | 6 | Accept | 0.18509 | 12.601 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 271 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 230 | 6 | Accept | 0.19606 | 8.9382 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 213 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 8 | | 231 | 5 | Accept | 0.19671 | 11.18 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 266 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 9 | | 232 | 5 | Accept | 0.20255 | 0.13277 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 5 | | 233 | 6 | Accept | 0.26213 | 0.26877 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0028038 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 810.16 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0030228 | | 234 | 6 | Accept | 0.25943 | 0.091359 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 215 | | 235 | 6 | Accept | 0.25962 | 0.096807 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.009004 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 37.307 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 5.8595 | | 236 | 6 | Accept | 0.19437 | 0.21291 | 0.17747 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 5 | | 237 | 6 | Accept | 0.20498 | 0.25416 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.71175 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 6.6854 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0028282 | | 238 | 6 | Accept | 0.26001 | 0.095152 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 120.8 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 12.251 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 4.4155 | | 239 | 6 | Accept | 0.25924 | 0.073817 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 2181 | | 240 | 6 | Accept | 0.21369 | 0.14467 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 3 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 241 | 6 | Accept | 0.1906 | 0.13465 | 0.17747 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 38 | | 242 | 6 | Accept | 0.40741 | 1.3827 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 227.27 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 6.4364 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.13925 | | 243 | 6 | Accept | 0.20198 | 9.1787 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 283 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 9 | | 244 | 5 | Accept | 3.8508 | 39.213 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 587.66 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.014658 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.036807 | | 245 | 5 | Accept | 0.19808 | 8.3436 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 289 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 14 | | 246 | 6 | Accept | 4.8726 | 31.184 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 784.29 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.075318 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.18619 | | 247 | 6 | Accept | 0.25987 | 0.10339 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0071746 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.15234 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 11.082 | | 248 | 6 | Accept | 0.1797 | 25.885 | 0.17747 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 271 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 249 | 6 | Accept | 0.2611 | 0.1044 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 3.4502 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 5.8058 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 3.6108 | | 250 | 6 | Accept | 0.25929 | 0.12647 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 344 | | 251 | 6 | Accept | 4.4082 | 38.748 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 17.315 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.016928 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.73348 | | 252 | 6 | Accept | 0.2593 | 6.3505 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 258 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 400 | | 253 | 6 | Accept | 0.26003 | 0.10729 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 828 | | 254 | 6 | Accept | 0.20025 | 8.1396 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 234 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 255 | 6 | Accept | 0.18528 | 12.7 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 289 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 14 | | 256 | 6 | Accept | 0.26376 | 0.26448 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.50105 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 434.22 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0099215 | | 257 | 6 | Accept | 0.25921 | 6.9512 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 255 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 3385 | | 258 | 6 | Accept | 0.1978 | 11.792 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 283 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 9 | | 259 | 6 | Accept | 0.19776 | 9.7264 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 234 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 1 | | 260 | 6 | Accept | 0.24875 | 7.349 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 14.01 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 469.23 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.13191 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 261 | 6 | Accept | 0.22455 | 6.9209 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.18817 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 12.784 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.6341 | | 262 | 6 | Accept | 0.19167 | 0.75477 | 0.17747 | 910 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.71175 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 6.6854 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0028282 | | 263 | 6 | Accept | 0.25957 | 0.11494 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 118.19 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0023401 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 2.6591 | | 264 | 6 | Accept | 0.25909 | 0.10551 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.13507 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0022823 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0016091 | | 265 | 6 | Accept | 0.271 | 0.44689 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 973.84 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 10.717 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.7485 | | 266 | 6 | Accept | 0.20133 | 8.5234 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 254 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 13 | | 267 | 6 | Accept | 0.20039 | 9.6539 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 285 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 5 | | 268 | 6 | Accept | 5.9515 | 31.371 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 15.141 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.15473 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.017362 | | 269 | 6 | Accept | 0.21388 | 0.17365 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 7.419 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 44.748 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.53286 | | 270 | 6 | Accept | 4.2493 | 0.16616 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 28.598 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0057012 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.49041 | | 271 | 6 | Accept | 0.19753 | 10.631 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 254 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 13 | | 272 | 6 | Accept | 0.25935 | 0.10701 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.5398 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0010211 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.2952 | | 273 | 6 | Accept | 7.3592 | 29.508 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0027531 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.21405 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.49714 | | 274 | 6 | Accept | 0.17866 | 30.497 | 0.17747 | 3639 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 289 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 14 | | 275 | 6 | Accept | 0.19587 | 11.523 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 285 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 5 | | 276 | 6 | Accept | 0.18464 | 0.26372 | 0.17747 | 3639 | tree | MinLeafSize: 19 | | 277 | 6 | Accept | 0.25925 | 0.083213 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 446 | | 278 | 6 | Accept | 0.26052 | 0.11342 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 1.1407 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.014809 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 4.2648 | | 279 | 6 | Accept | 0.19919 | 0.21925 | 0.17747 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 280 | 6 | Accept | 0.17749 | 122.4 | 0.17747 | 14556 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 229 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 7 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | result | | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size | | | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | 281 | 6 | Accept | 0.24351 | 13.121 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0033709 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 2.689 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.93454 | | 282 | 6 | Accept | 0.26078 | 7.0174 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.012946 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 32.975 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.002842 | | 283 | 6 | Accept | 0.2133 | 0.24612 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0075765 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 2.8074 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0044881 | | 284 | 6 | Accept | 0.20091 | 8.2694 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 255 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 6 | | 285 | 6 | Accept | 3.6401 | 23.897 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0026163 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.10725 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0041286 | | 286 | 6 | Accept | 4.2321 | 0.12661 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 237.21 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0035398 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.001316 | | 287 | 6 | Accept | 0.25978 | 7.9338 | 0.17747 | 228 | ensemble | Method: LSBoost | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 292 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 291 | | 288 | 6 | Accept | 0.25928 | 0.10312 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7169 | | 289 | 6 | Accept | 0.23721 | 6.9699 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 22.889 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 344 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0049392 | | 290 | 6 | Accept | 0.25931 | 0.12434 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 5898 | | 291 | 6 | Accept | 0.19899 | 0.099808 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 20 | | 292 | 6 | Accept | 0.20548 | 0.12388 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 4 | | 293 | 6 | Accept | 0.18895 | 0.15628 | 0.17747 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 20 | | 294 | 6 | Accept | 0.19728 | 10.1 | 0.17747 | 910 | ensemble | Method: Bag | | | | | | | | | | NumLearningCycles: 255 | | | | | | | | | | MinLeafSize: 6 | | 295 | 6 | Accept | 0.2609 | 0.10755 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 48.918 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.19215 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 40.346 | | 296 | 6 | Accept | 0.19886 | 0.12588 | 0.17747 | 228 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 297 | 6 | Accept | 0.2613 | 0.10721 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 0.0029303 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0022101 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.043672 | | 298 | 6 | Accept | 6.2139 | 0.17019 | 0.17747 | 228 | svm | BoxConstraint: 678.2 | | | | | | | | | | KernelScale: 0.0050689 | | | | | | | | | | Epsilon: 0.0020536 | | 299 | 6 | Accept | 0.19489 | 0.20124 | 0.17747 | 910 | tree | MinLeafSize: 7 | | 300 | 6 | Accept | 0.18562 | 0.25638 | 0.17747 | 3639 | tree | MinLeafSize: 20 | |=======================================================================================================================================================| | Iter | Active | Eval | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min | Training set | Learner | Hyperparameter: Value | | | workers | resu...
__________________________________________________________ Optimization completed. Total iterations: 340 Total elapsed time: 429.3495 seconds Total time for training and validation: 2373.789 seconds Best observed learner is an ensemble model with: Learner: ensemble Method: LSBoost NumLearningCycles: 232 MinLeafSize: 21 Observed log(1 + valLoss): 0.17747 Time for training and validation: 113.9466 seconds Documentation for fitrauto display
The Total elapsed time
value shows that the ASHA optimization took less time to run than the Bayesian optimization (about 7 minutes).
The final model returned by fitrauto
corresponds to the best observed learner. Before returning the model, the function retrains it using the entire training data set (trainData
), the listed Learner
(or model) type, and the displayed hyperparameter values.
Evaluate Test Set Performance
Evaluate the performance of the returned bayesianMdl
and ashaMdl
models on the test set testData
. For each model, compute the test set mean squared error (MSE), and take a log transform of the MSE to match the values in the verbose display of fitrauto
. Smaller MSE (and log-transformed MSE) values indicate better performance.
bayesianTestMSE = loss(bayesianMdl,testData,"saleprice");
bayesianTestError = log(1 + bayesianTestMSE)
bayesianTestError = 0.1793
ashaTestMSE = loss(ashaMdl,testData,"saleprice");
ashaTestError = log(1 + ashaTestMSE)
ashaTestError = 0.1793
For each model, compare the predicted test set response values to the true response values. Plot the predicted sale price along the vertical axis and the true sale price along the horizontal axis. Points on the reference line indicate correct predictions. A good model produces predictions that are scattered near the line. Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.
bayesianTestPredictions = predict(bayesianMdl,testData); ashaTestPredictions = predict(ashaMdl,testData); tiledlayout(1,2) nexttile plot(testData.saleprice,bayesianTestPredictions,".") hold on plot(testData.saleprice,testData.saleprice) % Reference line hold off xlabel(["True Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) ylabel(["Predicted Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) title("Bayesian Optimization Model") nexttile plot(testData.saleprice,ashaTestPredictions,".") hold on plot(testData.saleprice,testData.saleprice) % Reference line hold off xlabel(["True Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) ylabel(["Predicted Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) title("ASHA Optimization Model")
Based on the log-transformed MSE values and the prediction plots, the bayesianMdl
and ashaMdl
models perform similarly well on the test set.
For each model, use box plots to compare the distribution of predicted and true sale prices by borough. Create the box plots by using the boxchart
function. Each box plot displays the median, the lower and upper quartiles, any outliers (computed using the interquartile range), and the minimum and maximum values that are not outliers. In particular, the line inside each box is the sample median, and the circular markers indicate outliers.
For each borough, compare the red box plot (showing the distribution of predicted prices) to the blue box plot (showing the distribution of true prices). Similar distributions for the predicted and true sale prices indicate good predictions. Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.
tiledlayout(1,2) nexttile boxchart(testData.borough,testData.saleprice) hold on boxchart(testData.borough,bayesianTestPredictions) hold off legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"]) xlabel("Borough") ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) title("Bayesian Optimization Model") nexttile boxchart(testData.borough,testData.saleprice) hold on boxchart(testData.borough,ashaTestPredictions) hold off legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"]) xlabel("Borough") ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) title("ASHA Optimization Model")
For both models, the predicted median sale price closely matches the median true sale price in each borough. The predicted sale prices seem to vary less than the true sale prices.
For each model, display box charts that compare the distribution of predicted and true sale prices by the number of families in a dwelling. Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.
tiledlayout(1,2) nexttile boxchart(testData.buildingclasscategory,testData.saleprice) hold on boxchart(testData.buildingclasscategory,bayesianTestPredictions) hold off legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"]) xlabel("Number of Families in Dwelling") ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) title("Bayesian Optimization Model") nexttile boxchart(testData.buildingclasscategory,testData.saleprice) hold on boxchart(testData.buildingclasscategory,ashaTestPredictions) hold off legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"]) xlabel("Number of Families in Dwelling") ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"]) title("ASHA Optimization Model")
For both models, the predicted median sale price closely matches the median true sale price in each type of dwelling. The predicted sale prices seem to vary less than the true sale prices.
For each model, plot a histogram of the test set residuals, and check that they are normally distributed. (Recall that the sale prices are log transformed.) Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.
bayesianTestResiduals = testData.saleprice - bayesianTestPredictions; ashaTestResiduals = testData.saleprice - ashaTestPredictions; tiledlayout(1,2) nexttile histogram(bayesianTestResiduals) title("Test Set Residuals (Bayesian)") nexttile histogram(ashaTestResiduals) title("Test Set Residuals (ASHA)")
Although the histograms are slightly left-skewed, they are both approximately symmetric about 0.
See Also
| boxchart
| histogram
| BayesianOptimization