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Interactive contour plot


surfht(z) creates an interactive contour plot of the data in matrix z. surfht treats the values in z as the height above the plane.

surfht(x,y,z) creates an interactive contour plot of the data in matrix z, using the x-axis values contained in x and the y-axis values contained in y.



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This example shows how to use surfht to create an interactive contour plot.

Create a grid of the (x,y) domain from (–2,–2) to (2,2) using meshgrid.

[x,y] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2,-2:0.2:2);

Evaluate the function z(x,y)=xe(-x2-y2) over this domain.

z = x.*exp(-x.^2 - y.^2);

Open an interactive contour plot. Because meshgrid creates a grid of the x and y values, open the plot using the first row of x and the first column of y.


Figure contains an axes object and other objects of type uicontrol. The axes object contains 21 objects of type contour, line, text.

The figure shows a contour plot of the z values along the specified x- and y-axes.

Click the plot to evaluate z at the (x,y) coordinates indicated by the intersecting lines.

Interactive contour plot with z evaluated at the x and y coordinates

For example, at x = 0.71041 and y = 0.025723, the value of z is 0.41827.

Alternatively, enter values in the fields labeled X Value and Y Value to evaluate z at the specified coordinates. For example, evaluate z at x = 0.5 and y = 1.

Interactive contour plot with values entered for x and y

The value of z is 0.1397.

Input Arguments

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z-axis values for contour plot, specified as a numeric matrix.

surfht treats the values in z as the height above the plane. By default, the x-axis values of the plot are the column indices of z, and the y-axis values of the plot are the row indices of z. To change the x- and y-axis values, specify x and y, respectively.

Data Types: single | double

x-axis values for contour plot, specified as a numeric vector. The length of x must match the number of columns in z.

Data Types: single | double

y-axis values for contour plot, specified as a numeric vector. The length of y must match the number of rows in z.

Data Types: single | double


  • The intersection of the vertical and horizontal reference lines on the interactive plot defines the current x value and y value.

  • Drag the reference lines to watch the interpolated z value (at the top of the plot) update simultaneously.

  • Alternatively, obtain a specific interpolated z value by typing the x value and y value into editable text fields on the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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