Hardware Profiler
Profiles function-call subsystem using GPIO, ERAD, or Timer measurement modes
Since R2024b
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset /
The Hardware Profiler Block enables you to profile function-call subsystem on target hardware using General Purpose Input Output (GPIO), Embedded Real-time Analysis & Diagnostic (ERAD), and Timer Measurement modes.
ERAD: Measure and analyze the execution times of start-to-end downstream function-call subsystems.
GPIO: Set and clear GPIO pins before and after the execution of downstream function-call subsystems.
Timer: Measure execution time of events by calculating the duration between pre-execution and post-execution timer counts.
These techniques enable you to accurately profile and optimize the performance of your code running on TI C2000 processors.
Hardware Profiler block with Timer and ERAD mode provide output in clock cycles. To convert it into seconds, use the following formula:
The Hardware Profiler block in ERAD measurement mode consistently provides the maximum execution time.
Version History
Introduced in R2024b