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Wavelet scattering bandpass center frequencies


F = centerFrequencies(sf) returns the wavelet bandpass center frequencies for all filter banks of the wavelet time scattering network, sf. The output F is a cell array with Nfb elements, where Nfb is the number of scattering filter banks. Each element of F is a real-valued vector. If you specify a sampling frequency in sf, F is in hertz. If you do not specify a sampling frequency, F is in cycles/sample.

If there is only one filter bank in the scattering network, F is a real-valued vector containing the wavelet bandpass center frequencies.


F = centerFrequencies(sf,filterbanks) returns the wavelet bandpass center frequencies for the specified filterbanks. The argument filterbanks is a scalar or vector with all the elements between 1 and Nfb inclusive, where Nfb is the number of scattering filter banks.


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Create a wavelet time scattering network with a sampling frequency of 50 Hz.

sf = waveletScattering('SamplingFrequency',50)
sf = 
  waveletScattering with properties:

          SignalLength: 1024
       InvarianceScale: 10.2400
        QualityFactors: [8 1]
              Boundary: 'periodic'
     SamplingFrequency: 50
             Precision: 'double'
    OversamplingFactor: 0
          OptimizePath: 0

Plot the wavelet bandpass center frequencies for all the filter banks.

bpcf = centerFrequencies(sf);
hold on
grid on
title('Wavelet Bandpass Center Frequencies')
legend('Filter Bank 1','Filter Bank 2')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Wavelet Bandpass Center Frequencies, ylabel Hz contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Filter Bank 1, Filter Bank 2.

Plot the wavelets filters used in computing the second-order scattering coefficients.

orderCoef = 2;
[filters,f] = filterbank(sf);
grid on
title('Wavelet Filters with Q = 1')
hold on
pl = plot(bpcf{orderCoef},max(filters{orderCoef+1}.psift),'bo');
legend(pl,'Center Frequencies')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Wavelet Filters with Q = 1, xlabel Hz, ylabel Magnitude contains 8 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers This object represents Center Frequencies.


Input Arguments

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Wavelet time scattering network, specified as a waveletScattering object.

Filter bank indices, specified as a positive integer or vector of integers. Elements of filterbanks are integers between 1 and Nfb inclusive, where Nfb is the number of scattering filter banks.

Example: F = centerFrequencies(sf,[1 2]) returns the wavelet bandpass center frequencies for the first two filter banks in sf.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Wavelet bandpass center frequencies for filter banks of the scattering network sf, returned as a vector or cell array of vectors. If there is only one filter bank in sf, or if filterbanks is a scalar, then F is a real-valued vector. Otherwise, F is a cell array, where each element is a real-valued vector.

Data Types: double

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2018b