Is USRP® hardware supported in MATLAB R2012b and earlier?

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I would like to develop algorithms to run on an USRP hardware. Is this supported in releases prior to R2013a?


MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2021-2-17
Please follow the following steps to download the USRP support package for prior releases:
For R2012b:
  1. Type “targetinstaller” at the MATLAB command prompt, launching Target Installer. 
  2. Choose the internet option, and select “USRP® Radio” from the list of options.
  3. Target installer automatically downloads and installs the support package.
For R2012a:
MATLAB and Simulink Support Package: (Version 3.0.1)
USRP® Hardware Binary Downloads: (Release 003.002.003)
Release Notes: 
  • Support for USRP® N210 
  • Hardware targeting
  • Burst mode
  • System object code generation
  • Fix for installation problems
For R2011b:
MATLAB and Simulink Support Package: (Version 2.1)
USRP® Hardware Binary Downloads: (Release 003.002.003)
Release Notes: 
  • New QPSK demos
  • Support for USRP® N210 hardware, revision 4
For R2011a:
MATLAB and Simulink Support Package: (Version 1.0)
USRP® Hardware Binary Downloads: (Release 003.000.001)
Release Notes: 
  • First Support for UHD

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