IE activex in MATLAB GUI

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to embed internet explorer activex control in MATLAB GUI. But, I received the following error message after I run the GUI: "Serialization of COM Object failed. 'Microsoft Web Browser' could not be restored to its previous state. Make sure file actvxWebBrowser_activex1 is in the same directory as your GUI"
The file actvxWebBrowser_activex1 is already in the same directory as the GUI.
Strangely, when I run the command h=actxcontrolselect; in Matlab command window, I can select the object Web Browser and the object is embedded in a Matlab Figure, not a Matlab GUI. With this, I can invoke the methods and get properties of the activex object without error.
What I really want to do is to have text boxes, buttons (UI control). I know that buttons and text can be positioned in matlab figure. But I still can't figure out how to put a text box in Matlab figure.
Someone knows how to fix that error in Matlab GUI?
Best regards, Wan Nawi


Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer 2011-6-27
the following works for me: in the GUI_OpeningFcn I added: = actxcontrol('Shell.Explorer.2', [100 100 500 500]);
This opens the internet explorer within the GUI (at the given position) and loads our internal home page ...
  3 个评论
Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer 2011-6-27
Hi Nawi,
not exactly. You tried to run actxcontrolselect from within your GUI? I never tried this ...
morningStar 2017-4-18
I have a similar problem. I want to open internet explorer in a panel in my GUI, can you help me with that plz? It seems it can open it only inside figure.Thanks!


更多回答(1 个)

Jan 2011-6-25
You want a simple text box and try to implement it using a IE ActiveX control??
What about:
uicontrol('Style', 'text', ...
'Position', [10, 10, 200, 200], ...
'String', {'Line1', 'Line2'});
EDITED: A Matlab GUI is a Matlab figure. I assume the problem could be solved, if you create the IE-ActiveX dynamically in the CreateFcn instead of creating it once in GUIDE.
  1 个评论
Wan Nawi
Wan Nawi 2011-6-26
sorry, maybe my question is not descriptive enough. I want to make a Matlab GUI using Guide, in which containing Internet Explorer activex control (to host Google Earth Plugin), and some others UI controls.
The problem is the inconsistency of error. When I am working with GUIDE, I get the error message. But not when I am using Matlab commands.
And for the text box, I did found the command. Thanks anyway


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