Why Am I Unable to Modify the End User on My License?

55 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to remove the current End User of my Individual or Designated Computer, but I see a padlock icon instead of the remove user button. Why is this?


MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2024-8-22,0:00
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2024-8-27,19:00
The most common reason you will be unable to change the End User on an Individual or Designated Computer license is because:
  • Validation is enabled on the license but the validation status is overdue for one or more activations.
  • You are out of Named User re-designations on your license. Each license has a number of times you can change the user per year.
    • For further information on this please refer to the license agreement
To check if validation is overdue:
  1. Go to your License Center and click the License
  2. Then going to the “Install and Activate” tab
  3. Click on the Activation Label –
    1. If validated you will see (Current) next to the “Last Validated” field
    2. If overdue, it will say (Overdue)
You can force validation from the MATLAB toolstrip by following these steps:
  1. Open the Help menu
  2. Then select Licensing
  3. Click update Current License.
Once validation has been updated or the activation in question has been deactivated, you can change the End User on the license: How do I add or remove an End User on license?
  • The X under the "Remove User" column may not appear when removing a License End User if you are using an older web browser version.
  • If you are encountering this issue, place the mouse cursor under the "Remove User" column and click to remove the user or try another web browser.
For more information on validation, please refer to this article: What is validation and how does validation work?

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