Question of a vlookup equivalent in matlab

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I dont think a vlookup function exists in matlab, but can you guys give me some pointers on how to replicate it? I have a matrix A and vector B, and I want to extract the rows in matrix A into a new matrix C if the A(:,1) is found in vector B. Will I need a loop?
I created C = A( A(:,1) == B(1:end) ,:), but I have a matrix dimesions disagreement. Is there a way to loop through each element of B?
  2 个评论
Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig 2013-11-4
I'm not sure I really understand your question. Can you post some sample data and your expected output?
Mike 2013-11-5
So if A =[ 1 2 3 4 ; 4 9 8 0 ; 8 7 8 9] and B is a vector = [ 1 8] I want a matrix C such that C = [ 1 2 3 4; 8 7 8 9]. Is this better?



Cedric 2013-11-5
Try this:
>> id = ismember(A(:,1), B)
id =
>> C = A(id,:)
C =
1 2 3 4
8 7 8 9
  5 个评论
Cedric 2013-11-6
Yes, I assumed them to be sorted based on the numeric example, but I shouldn't have! Thank you for the comments.


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