Finding time with nested loops

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Feynman 2013-11-5
I am given a task to do in matlab where using nested loops, I am supposed to determine the amount of time spent above 50,000 feet as a function of the burn time (b) and thus as a function of the fuel mass (qb). The rocket's maximum fuel load is 100 slugs and the maximum value of b is 100/q = 100. I am to use the given the equations
v(t) = uln(m0/m0-qt)-gt h(t) = u/q(m0-qt)ln(m0-qt)+u(lnm0+1)t-gt^2/2-(m0*u/q)*ln(m0)
m0 = rocket's initial mass q = rate at which the rocket burns fuel mass u = is the exhaust velocity of the burned fuel relative to the rocket g = acceleration due to gravity b = burn time thus, rocket mass without fuel is
m(e) = m0 - qb
For t>b, v(t) = v(b)-g(t-b) h(t) = h(b)+v(b)(t-b)-g(t-b)^2/2
To find peak height hp = h(b)+v^2(b)/(2g) Time for rocket to hit the ground t(hit) = tp + ((2hp/g)^(1/2)) I am given me,q,u and g in a data table and have imported them with their respected variable names in my script. My question is how would I set up nested loops utilizing the equations given to me to solve the problem? I thought about using the for loop but cannot see a way of setting it up properly.
  1 个评论
Jan 2013-11-5
As usual for homework questions: Please show us, what you have tried so far and try to ask a specific question.


回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-11-5
Try tic and toc, or timeit().


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