Warning: The data type 'FcnPtr' used by function ENepanet does not exist.
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I have been coupling MATLAB with EPANET and there is a warning: The data type 'FcnPtr' used by function ENepanet does not exist.
In library at 402
Could someone help me to solve this problem? Thanks a lots, Pham
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回答(2 个)
Demetrios Eliades
I don't think this is a problem, it's just a warning matlab issues forthe ENepanet function, which anyway is not used. I believe you can ignore this. (I also get this warning)
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Thanks Demetrios Eliades a lot. yes, this warning can be neglected. and now I run a matlab packet programmed with win32 in win64, there is a warning:
Error using loadlibrary (line 254) A 'Selected' compiler was not found. You may need to run mex -setup.
However, when I run mex set-up, it informed:
Error using mex (line 206) Unable to complete successfully.
please give me advise to solve this
thank you
1 个评论
Hi Demetrios.
I also received this error, running the file "example.m" of EPANET-Matlab Toolkit v2.1, but it generates serious errors that do not allow to continue. I appreciate a help. Thanks in advance
Warning: The data type 'FcnPtr' used by function ENepanet does not exist.
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