Multiplying unequal length vectors

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Kim 2013-11-13
I'm continuing in my Mathcad to Matlab translation of good radar equations. Now I need to work the following equation: e2(theta) = E2 * f(theta)*exp(i*phi);
The problem is f(theta) is 351 elements long and 'i' and 'phi' are only 5 elements long each.
In fortran, I'd try up sampling i and phi through interpolation, but was wondering if there is a better Matlab solution.
  1 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2013-11-13
So phi is a function of theta? If it is a known function of theta (even an implicit one), you could use that function to generate more phi samples.


回答(2 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013-11-13
编辑:Sean de Wolski 2013-11-13
Well what do you want to do? Do you want to multiply f(theta) by every element of phi?
If so:
Will give you a 5x351 matrix that has this. Otherwise, please be more clear in your goal. If you want to make exp(ii.*phi) to be the same size as a 1x351, this will inevitably involve interpolation.
More per clarification
Use interp1 to interpolate between the values you need.
doc interp1 %for more info

Kim 2013-11-13
Sorry bout the poor question.
Yes, I want exp(i.*phi) to be 1X351, so that I can do: e2(theta) = E2 * f(theta).*exp(i.*phi);


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