implementation help of Gaussian RBM in matlab

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
First i would like to know how to make visible layer to zero mean and unit variance.I have seen in few example they followed below way.but i couldnot understand
subtracting the corresponding data with its mean and divide it by standard division, my data becomes NaN.
I am new to matlab and Neural networks.
data= batchdata(:,:,batch);
i am not able to find the reason
can anybody help to clear this
  1 个评论
Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2013-11-23
"subtracting the corresponding data with its mean and divide it by standard division, my data becomes NaN."
Did it ever occur to you to post that code?



Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2013-11-23
doc zscore
help zscore
doc mapstd
help mapstd
Hope this helps.
  • Thank you for formally accepting my answer*
  3 个评论
Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2013-11-25
[x, t ] = engine_dataset;
[ I N ] = size(x) % 2 1199
[ O N ] = size(t) % 2 1199
z = [ x; t];
muz = mean(z')';
stdz = std(z')';
% [ muz stdz ] = [ 141.2 090.7
% 1259.5 354.8
% 754.2 548.7
% 961.7 466.1 ]
zn = ( z - repmat(muz,1,N))./repmat(stdz,1,N);
muzn = mean(zn')';
stdzn = std(zn')';
% [ muzn stdzn ] = [ -0.0000 1.0000
% 0.0000 1.0000
% -0.0000 1.0000
% -0.0000 1.0000 ]


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