Mex -setup does not show gcc 4.7.3 compiler with Matlab 2013b + (ubuntu) Linux 64 bit

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When I run 'mex -setup' I get:
>> mex -setup
Options files control which compiler to use, the compiler and link command
options, and the runtime libraries to link against.
Using the 'mexsh -setup' command selects an options file that is
placed in /home/wouter/.matlab/R2013b and used by default for 'mexsh'. An options
file in the current working directory or specified on the command line
overrides the default options file in /home/wouter/.matlab/R2013b.
To override the default options file, use the 'mexsh -f' command
(see 'mexsh -help' for more information).
The options files available for mexsh are:
1: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2013b/bin/ :
Template Options file for building MEX-files
0: Exit with no changes
Enter the number of the compiler (0-1):
Where is my gcc compiler? When I look in /usr/bin/ the binary/executable/link of gcc is clearly there which as far as I read on the web should be located there.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-11-27
Which gcc is it? gcc 4.7.x is what is supported in R2013b
  5 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-11-27
I notice that the dialog talks about selecting an options file, rather than about selecting a compiler. It appears that a proper options file has been created and selected, so you should be able to go ahead and mex files.
Wouter 2013-11-28
You are totally correct. The problem was within a toolbox that I downloaded. When installing the toolbox it was saying that 'mex -setup' was not configured correctly. Thats why I thought something was a miss.


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