How to create an equally spaced 1D array?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have two vectors, x and y, of the same length (more or less 2600x1 double). For each element x, a corresponding element y is acquired. x is a vector of points (1,2,3,4...), y contains the corresponding values, which describe a certain function. The problem arises because of the way I acquire these data; the x vector is built from a moving translation motor: for each step of the motor, a new point is recorded. For example, when the motor moves a 1 mm step, I acquire the first element of x, i.e. 1, and the corresponding element y (it doesn't matter what y is, but it depends on the position of the motor too). After another step of 1 mm, I record the second element of x (i.e. 2) with the corresponding element (that is the second element of y) and so on. The problem is that the scanning is actually irregular: the motor doesn't move on perfectly regular steps of 1 mm, but sometimes for example 0.8 mm, 0.9 mm or 1.1 mm (also in this case the x vector records points separated by one - 1,2,3,4,5...- because a new element of x is generated for any movement of the motor, of whatever step). I need to build an x vector, and the corresponding y vector, *as if I had a perfectly regular scanning motor of equally spaced steps . How can I do this? Shall I have to correct the x vector by creating an equally space vector? I need also a corresponding y vector, so also the y vector must be corrected in function of the x one. I know it's not trivial, if you want more details ask me. Thanks


Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2013-11-28
You haven't made it clear if the y values are the result of some kind of measurement independent of x steps, but to have any hope of making the adjustment you describe, that would be absolutely essential. You have to have some kind of feedback from your machine in order to do what you ask. What you would be looking for are outliers among the y values that don't correspond with regularly=spaced x values, which in turn would be making assumptions about the continuity of the relationship between x and y. For some set of other y values on either side of a given y and assuming regularity of corresponding x values, you would observe the difference between the interpolated y against the given y at the central point. If they are too different, that y is to be regarded as an outlier and you would replace it with the interpolated value and assume regular steps in x.
It all sounds rather unreliable to me, because if there are uncertainties in y measurement it will be difficult to distinguish between these and outliers due to actual variation in x steps, and the x variations in turn will have to be rather widely-separated to make this work properly. In any case matlab makes available the function 'interp1' which could perform the needed interpolation for you.
  7 个评论
Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2013-11-29
编辑:Roger Stafford 2013-11-29
I repeat my earlier assertion. Your knowledge of x values is highly inaccurate. All you really have to work with in the way of accurate measurements are the y-values and these are obtained at irregular intervals of the actual motor position which x would represent if it had been measured accurately. You hope to adjust the y-values so as to best correspond to an evenly-spaced motor position. Because of this inaccuracy however, it is very likely inappropriate to attempt an interpolation process.
It is a difficult undertaking and only possible if there is not an excessive change in the actual nature of the y curve for a number of measurements - that is, the curve expressing how y varies with respect to the true motor position needs to be relatively smooth. (The image you show is rather discouraging in this respect.)
What I am recommending is to do a polyfit, p = polyfit(x,y,n), using, say n = 2 or 3, for a section of successive y measurements, considerably longer than n, in which the x are the theoretical successive integers you have described. Because of the actual irregularity of motor positions, the individual y values probably won't fit the quadratic or cubic curve you obtain very well, and the quadratic/cubic polynomial is (hopefully) a better representation of what the y's would be for equally-spaced motor positions than those you are receiving. Use polyval to adjust the center y value if it is a sufficiently bad fit - that is, it is an outlier - and move on one y value to the right and repeat this polyfit process, each time making a possible adjustment to the center y. You should put all the adjusted or non-adjusted center y values you get in this way in a separate array. This new array ought to better represent the quantity you would have measured for y if the motor positions had been regular. It may be necessary to repeat the whole process, obtaining yet other arrays of further adjusted y values until you have a reasonably smooth curve of their values.
(to be continued)
Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2013-11-29
(continued from the previous comment because of its excessive length)
As you can tell from this description, you cannot hope for high accuracy by such a method, but that is inherent in the problem you face. You can obtain only so much information from y measurements, however accurately made, if the corresponding motor positions are inaccurately known.
I am not going to do the coding for this process. That is for you to carry out, Aurelio. It will no doubt require considerable trial and error to get the best combination of 1) the best number of points to include in the polyfit call, 2) the best degree n to use in polyfit, 3) the best number of total adjustments to make of the entire array, and perhaps the most crucial item of all, 4) the tolerance level you set to determine which y values are to be regarded as outliers. (You might want to use some weighted average of the two values in 4) instead.) It will probably be a lengthy process of repeated coding and observation of results, and I am not prepared to undergo that.


更多回答(1 个)

dpb 2013-11-28
Create a new x set of points however desired--a couple of possible choices would be N points between the first and last actual points, alternatively, fix from some x0 to xN at whatever you wish the endpoints to be. You may or may not want to extrapolate to get there, your choice
x1=linspace(x(1),x(end),nPts); % This is first alternative
y1=interp1(x,y,x1); % interpolate to the new x1 points
doc interp1 % for more details, options on extrapolation, interpolation type, etc., ...
  2 个评论
aurc89 2013-11-29
It doesn't work like this :-( Thanks however
dpb 2013-11-29
编辑:dpb 2013-11-29
OK, but that certainly wasn't clear originally (to me, at least... :) )
Anyway, looking at your plots --
a) is 'x' known at any one (or more) point(s) at all? IOW, is there at least an origin and perhaps and endpoint that can be considered accurate?
b) is it to be assumed from the characteristic shape of the red curve that the actual response is to be linear?
Depending on the answers to the above, there are possibly some useful boundary conditions that can be used to aid in a solution similar to that proposed by Roger.
Also, what's known about the characteristics of the motor movement? Is it that the the motor moves at fixed speed and the sampling is simply asynchronous giving rise to the difference in actual positions or what? These kinds of ancillary pieces of info may also be helpful in modeling the output (I'm thinking "Kalman filter" maybe???)



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