How do I open multiple GUIs in the same window?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
After pushing a button in my main GUI, I want another GUI to open in the same window (which may include closing the main GUI). What I've tried to far is creating all GUIs in one changing the buttons', boxes', etc. visibility depending on whether needed or not. It works but it's pretty slow because I've got plenty of stuff in the GUI. And since the amount of code is huge I don't really want all of that in just one GUI.
Any idea how to solve this one?

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-11-29
If you are willing to close the main GUI, then what does it mean to open another GUI in the same window? In MATLAB, a GUI is a figure() that has actions associated with it, and in MATLAB, a figure() and a window are the same thing.
Have you considered using uipanel() to parent groups of controls, and then setting the complete panel invisible inside of changing the controls one by one?


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