Pre-allocating linked arrays for "live" plotting

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am currently developing a GUI matlab program to plot and analyze real time data from a serial port. I have a serial object with a BytesAvailableFcn that calls every time a terminator character is received. This callback then parses the data and adds it to an array linked to a graph. The graph is then updated at regular intervals using a timer.
My question is how should I pre-allocate the data arrays linked to the graph. Some of the things I have tried are below.
If I did not have to consider performance I could just resize the array every time I get new data.
x = []
y = []
set(plot_handle, 'XDataSource', 'x', 'YDataSource', 'y')
function serial_callback
% get data from serial obj
% parse data
% add data to plot arrays
x = [x x_data]
y = [y y_data]
function timer_callback
for obvious memory reasons this gets inefficient very quickly. I have also tried pre-allocating the array as Nan's and adding data to the first Nan.
x = nan(200)
y = nan(200)
set(plot_handle, 'XDataSource', 'x', 'YDataSource', 'y')
function serial_callback
% get data from serial obj
% parse data
% add data to plot arrays
index = find(isnan(x),1); % using a 'pointer' instead of the find command would speed this up but you get the idea
x(index) = x_data
y(index) = y_data
function timer_callback
this works in that the space is presumably pre-allocated and data points I don't have yet don't get plotted. It however messes with the legend. I don't exactly know how the color of legend symbols is calculated in graphs with Cdata (which I am also using) but the Nan's make the legend symbols disappear.
I have also considered setting the linked array equal to an increasingly large part of a pre-allocated array assuming matlab will only copy the references as long as I don't modify the linked data but this seems to be getting very complex. Is there an easier way to ask for a large empty array that I can add plot data to.

回答(1 个)

Michelle Hirsch
Michelle Hirsch 2011-7-14
I think the issue might simply be with your call to nan. You are creating 200 x 200 arrays of NaNs for x and y. I imagine your intention is:
x = nan(200,1);
I've done this same type of thing many times, and have built some plotting widgets to make it easier. You might find the utilities I put on the File Exchange to be helpful: Test and Measurement Widgets
  1 个评论
Will 2011-7-14
Thanks for the response, you are correct but I believe my original code was nan(200,1). I missed that simplifying it for this post. I don't think it would have plotted if x and y were matrices instead of vectors. So far I have been solving this problem by pre-allocating with numbers outside my plotting range, which works because it is a scatter plot but it still does not seem like a great solution.



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