Fuel Cell to Battery

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Matteo Guindani
Matteo Guindani 2013-12-12
Hello Everyone,
I' m using Simulink for my Master Degree Thesis. And I have to connect the output of a Fuel Cell ( I used the one in the Simulink library) to a Battery, but with a Voltage Step Up. Can please someone help me? I cannot find components whose connections fit what I need to do.
Many thanks in andvance for your Help.
Best regards,

回答(1 个)

Juan Sagarduy
Juan Sagarduy 2021-4-15
Hello Mateo
Many years have gone but this type of system is more actual than ever. Please see the link below:
This is smoothly modelled in Simscape nowadays.
Regards Juan


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