how to obtain the orthogonal vectors of one 3*1 unit vector?

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone,
I have a 3*1 unit vector as r1= [ 0.6619 0.6976 -0.2740]', and want to obtain the other two unit orthogonal vectors of r1. these two vectors are named as r2 and r3, they satisfy:
R=[r1 r2 r3] is a 3*3 unit orthogonal matrix.
Could anyone tell me what commands in matlab is useful to do this? Thx very much!


Matt J
Matt J 2013-12-17
编辑:Matt J 2013-12-17

更多回答(1 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-12-17
a = [0.6619 0.6976 -0.2740];
b = [a(1) a(3) -a(2)];
c = cross(a,b);
c = c/norm(c);
M = [a;b;c]; % orthogonal matrix


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